Deregulation and especially cell phones have reduced the need for local telephone services while Digital subscriber line Internet service and other services give local companies new roles in the telecommunications industry.
Deregulation | deregulation | Airline Deregulation Act | Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act | Department of Finance and Deregulation (Australia) | Department of Finance and Deregulation | airline deregulation |
Factor Adjustments after Deregulation: Panel Evidence from Colombian Plants, (with Marcela Eslava, John Haltiwanger and Maurice Kugler), Review of Economics and Statistics, May 2010, 92(2).
Airline deregulation had begun with initiatives by economist Alfred E. Kahn in the Nixon administration, carried through the Ford administration and finally, at the behest of Ted Kennedy, signed into law by President Jimmy Carter.
Alfred E. Kahn (1917-2010), American economist, professor, government official and deregulation expert
However, the decision by the MMC was over-ruled by Nicholas Ridley, then the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry and credited as the architect of bus deregulation.
While most scholars look the term of Reagan appointee Mark S. Fowler as the beginning of telecommunications deregulation, deregulation actually began with Ferris.
In 1987, as a result of deregulation, Southern Vectis started the Eastleigh and Southampton bus company Solent Blue Line.
Election analysts ascribed the poor performance of the LDP to Koizumi's reforms that have eroded its traditional supporters such as farmers, "Mom-Pop" shop owners and construction workers, because the reforms, including deregulation and tax cuts, were tuned to help big global corporations like Toyota.
On the 30th anniversary of the passage of the Staggers Rail Act of 1980 authored by her father, Congressman Harley Orrin Staggers, Sr., Staggers wrote an editorial in the Charleston Gazette-Mail praising the bipartisan effort in the United States Congress led by her father to deregulate the United States railroad industry.
As an airline executive, Levine served at Continental Airlines (1981–82) and Northwest (1992–99) as an Executive Vice President and was President and CEO of New York Air (1982–84), guiding that post-deregulation airline to its first profit.
He was the PUC's liaison to the Texas Legislature during a major reform of state laws regulating the telecommunications industry, and he led the commission's opposition to AT&T's attempt at deregulation by the legislature.
As part of deregulation and reform of its financial and banking sectors, Hu oversaw the privatisation of the government-run Post Office Savings Bank (POSB) and the sale of POSB to the Development Bank of Singapore (DBS) in 1998.
Suomi-lisä, the "Finland surcharge", occurs when a seller exploits the poor competition and high barriers to entry (due to regulation and taxation) in Finland to price a good higher (e.g. 51 € on PlayStation 3 vs. price in equally taxing Sweden); today applies especially to electronics, but used to refer to the high mortgage interest rates charged before late 1980s-early 1990s banking deregulation
Since the onset of Texas electricity deregulation in 2002, the regional ex-utility companies active in the Texas power market -- i.e., TXU Energy in north Texas, Reliant Energy in southeast Texas and Direct Energy in coastal and west Texas—continue to retain roughly 60% of their pre-deregulation former monopoly residential bases.
The Bankers is the 1975 book by the economist-writer Martin Mayer that describes the industry just at the cusp of deregulation.
This period is also an era marked by extremely competitive airline industry forces fighting for deregulation survival along with fighting for opportunities of vast individual creations of wealth characterized by those accumulated by leading industry figures but sullied names such as Frank Lorenzo and Carl Icahn during the 1980s.
After deregulation in 1986, all three services were rerouted to serve Stephenson Square, Cavendish Road and Bloxwich Lane, leaving the northern part of Stephenson Road unserved by buses with the exception of a short-lived Midland Red North service, the X1 between Cannock and Birmingham.
Though the northern portion of the former Western SMT's operating area, covering Inverclyde, Renfrewshire and the Isle of Bute, was ceded to a new company, Clydeside Scottish, in June 1985 (in order to prepare the Scottish Bus Group for deregulation in 1986 and eventual privatisation), Clydeside Scottish was remerged with Western in May 1989.