
unusual facts about determinant


Ann Pancake

The sharply divided interests of urban and rural Americans and the powerful determinant of social class is manifest in Bait and "Redneck Boys" where the death toll of rural highways is both the cause of nonchalance and horror.

Blob detection

By considering the scale-normalized determinant of the Hessian, also referred to as the Monge–Ampère operator,

Full configuration interaction

This is because exact solution of the full CI determinant is NP-complete, so the existence of a polynomial time algorithm is unlikely.

Lewis Carroll identity

In linear algebra, the Lewis Carroll identity is an identity involving minors of a square matrix proved by Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (better known by his pseudonym Lewis Carroll), who used it in a method of numerical evaluation of matrix determinants called the Dodgson condensation.

Loop-erased random walk

The number of domino tilings of a graph can be calculated using the determinant of special matrices, which allow to connect it to the discrete Green function which is approximately conformally invariant.

Michael Krassa

His works on neighbourhoods in Illinois, California, Missouri, and modern planned places such as Poundbury (in the UK), Seaside, Florida (USA), Kentlands, Maryland (USA), and Celebration, Florida (USA) all demonstrate that the physical setting is an important determinant of the kinds of interpersonal connections a person forms, and interpersonal connections are a strong determinant of the way the people form political views.

Moore determinant

In mathematics, Moore determinant, named after Eliakim Hastings Moore, may refer to

Morris Talpalar

He supported that a change in these values was determinant for the establishment of slavery in Virginia, when the original Puritan rulers that dominated the political scene before 1660 were replaced by the rules of Cavaliers.

North Atlantic oscillation

The strength of the NAO is also a determinant in the population fluctuations of the intensively studied Soay sheep.

Permanent is sharp-P-complete

The computational complexity of the permanent also has some significance in other aspects of complexity theory: it is not known whether NC equals P (informally, whether every polynomially-solvable problem can be solved by a polylogarithmic-time parallel algorithm) and Ketan Mulmuley has suggested an approach to resolving this question that relies on writing the permanent as the determinant of a matrix.

Schur polynomial

The first Jacobi-Trudi formula expresses the Schur polynomial as a determinant

Social disorganization theory

They argued that "neighborhood conditions, be the of wealth or poverty, had a much greater determinant effect on criminal behavior than ethnicity, race, or religion" (Gaines and Miller).

see also