
unusual facts about disarmament

1899 in Afghanistan

In consequence of repeated outrages committed by the Waziris, and especially because of the murder of Col. E.H. le Marchant of the Hampshire Regiment, the Indian government orders the partial disarmament of the Peshawar division, and of all trans-border Pashtuns at the frontier, and the disarmament of all persons without licenses in all municipalities and cantonments within the division.

1995 State of the Union Address

Regarding foreign policy, he urged assistance in Mexico's economic crisis, additional disarmament in cooperation with Russia and other international treaties, stopping North Korea's nuclear weapons program, legislation to fight terrorists, and peace between Israel and its neighbors.

Amitabh Mattoo

He has been Chairperson of the Centre for International Politics, Organization and Disarmament at Jawaharlal Nehru University.

He is on leave from New Delhi's Jawaharlal Nehru University where he serves as a Professor of Disarmament Studies at the School of International Studies.

Archy Kirkwood, Baron Kirkwood of Kirkhope

In 1986 he with two other MPs Simon Hughes MP and Michael Meadowcroft MP and the National League of Young Liberals and other parts of the party produced the booklet Across the Divide Liberal Values on Defence and Disarmament This was the rally call that defeated the party leadership in the debate over the issue of an independent nuclear deterrent.

C and D-class destroyer

The other four ships planned for the C class were never ordered as an economy measure and disarmament gesture by the Labour government of Ramsay Macdonald.


On December 1, 1944, the Greek government of "National Unity" under Georgios Papandreou and Gen. Scobie (British head of the Allied forces in Greece at that time) announced an ultimatum for the general disarmament of all guerrilla forces by 10 December, excluding those allied to the government (the 3rd Greek Mountain Brigade and the Sacred Squadron) and also a part of EDES and ELAS that would be used in Allied operations in Crete and Dodecanese if it was necessary.

Digendra Kumar

Operation Pawan was the code name assigned to operations by the Indian Peace Keeping Force to take control of Jaffna from the LTTE in late 1987, enforcing the disarmament of the LTTE as a part of the Indo-Sri Lankan Accord.

Douglas Roche

In 1995, Pope John Paul II presented him with the Papal Medal for his service as Special Adviser on disarmament and security matters.

Francois Gordon

He later served as First Secretary for the British Delegation to the Conference of Disarmament in Geneva from 1983 to 1988, before becoming the Head of Finance for the Foreign & Commonwealth Office in the United Nations from 1988-1989, First Secretary to Nairobi from 1990 to 1992 and Head of Crime, Drugs and Terrorism Department for the FCO.

Georgios Koumanakos

In the 1980s, he was a well-known activist for nuclear disarmament and the withdrawal of US bases from Greece; along with 7 other high-ranking generals from NATO countries (includging Marshal Francisco da Costa Gomes and Brigadier Michael Harbottle) he co-signed the Generals for Peace and Disarmament initiative in 1981, and became a member of the Soviet-sponsored World Peace Council.

Issa Sesay

Sessay is known as the commander who ordered the disarmament of the RUF, effectively ending the Sierra Leone Civil War.

Italian Army 1984 Order of battle

On March 1, 1984 the Italian institute for disarmament, the development and peace (Istituto di ricerche per il disarmo, lo sviluppo e la pace (IRDISP)) in Rome (a think thank of the Radical Party) published the entire Italian OrBat down to company level - this was justified for the radical party as on of its core demands was total disarmament of Europe, even though the data which were published were top secret.

Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership

Stephen Halbrook, in the law article "Nazi Firearms Law and the Disarming of the German Jews", asserts that German arms laws were extremely lax, and even under the 1920 "Law on the Disarmament of the People", only items such as grenades and machineguns were banned; however, small arms such as rifles and pistols remained in common use.

Jonathan Granoff

He has served as Vice President of the NGO Committee on Disarmament at the United Nations, and serves on numerous governing and advisory boards including the Lawyers Committee on Nuclear Policy, the Lawyers Alliance for World Security, the Jane Goodall Institute, the Bipartisan Security Group, and the Middle Powers Initiative.

Mohammad Shafiq Hamdam

From November 2004 to November 2008 he worked as Culture Advisor and Linguist for the US forces in Afghanistan (Operation Enduring Freedom) and from January 2004 to November 2004 he served as a Main Awareness Trainer, Admin and Logistic Officer and Medical Assistant at the Demobilization Disarmament and Reintegration (DDR) project of the United Nations in Kabul.

No More Hiroshima

The 26-minute documentary by Martin Duckworth follows the survivors on their mission to New York City as part of the Japanese peace movement at the second United Nations Special Session on Disarmament held in June, 1982.

Norm Sanders

He was a member of an Australian parliamentary delegation to the Soviet Union, where he had talks with Andrei Gromyko about nuclear disarmament.

Postwar Britain

However the rest of the 1990s saw the beginning of a period of continuous economic growth that lasted over 16 years and was greatly expanded under the New Labour government of Tony Blair following his landslide election victory in 1997, with a rejuvenated party having abandoned its commitment to policies including nuclear disarmament and nationalisation of key industries, and no reversal of the Thatcher-led union reforms.

Princess Elizabeth of Yugoslavia

In 2002, Princess Elizabeth received the first Nuclear Disarmament Forum Award, the Demiurgus Peace International, (accompanying president Vladimir Putin, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Ted Turner and others) for outstanding achievements in the field of strengthening peace among nations in Zug, Switzerland.

Richard Kelley

In February 1961, the German Democratic Republic's news agency ADN reported that Kelley had been "harassed", "threatened" and then arrested by police in West Berlin whilst visiting the city in connection with his attendance at a conference for coexistence and disarmament in Warsaw.

United Nations Security Council election, 2013

Following the vote, Saudi Arabia, despite winning, declined to take the seat citing the UNSC's "double standards" in being allegedly ineffective in regards to the Israeli–Palestinian conflict, nuclear disarmament in the Middle East and putting an end to the Syrian civil war.

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1332

The Council also called on all parties to take forward the disarmament, demobilisation, reintegration and repatriation/settlement of all armed groups, in particular the National Council for the Defense of Democracy-Forces for the Defense of Democracy (FDD), the Rwandan ex-FAR/Interahamwe and the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF).

William C. Potter

He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Pacific Council on International Policy, and served for five years on the UN Secretary-General's Advisory Board on Disarmament Matters and the Board of Trustees of the UN Institute for Disarmament Research.

see also