
unusual facts about dividends


Allan Wood

This paid dividends at the Olympics when Wood, who had never swum faster than 4 m 20 in the 400 m freestyle, dropped his personal best to 4 m 15.1s, to claim bronze behind the United States' Don Schollander and East Germany's Frank Wiegand.

Allen J. Greenough

Though both the Pennsylvania and the Central struggled through the 1950s on the dividends from their large investments in border state coal haulers—the Chesapeake and Ohio and the Norfolk and Western—the Penn Central merger created a massive system from two weakened giants.

Corporate tax in the United States

However, shareholders of S Corporations and mutual funds are taxed currently on corporate income, and do not pay tax on dividends.

Earl Battey

Realizing they had a logjam at catcher with the veteran, and still productive, Lollar, the impressive rookie Romano, and the still-valuable-as-a-defensive-backup Battey, White Sox owner and general manager Bill Veeck would solve his problem in two deals that would show immediate dividends for the White Sox, but would be long term disasters.

Harshal Patel

Patel's work with world-renowned fast bowling coach Ian Pont has paid dividends both at Corbett National Park and in Lahli, where Patel spent time under the coach's guidance at HCA training camps to generate more pace and improve his swing.

Indian Depository Receipt

The benefit of the underlying shares (like bonus, dividends etc.) would accrue to the depository receipt holders in India.

John Monson, 2nd Baron Monson

In 1768, he signed a protest against the bill to limit the dividends of the East India Company.

Liliya Shobukhova

The move paid dividends for her as she won at the Chicago Marathon three times straight from 2009 to 2011, as well as the 2010 London Marathon.

Loyalty program

Some retailers run their own rewards programs, such as The Body Shop's Love Your Body Card, Shoppers Drug Mart's Shoppers Optimum Card, Staples Business Depot's easyRewards Savings Card (formerly Dividends) and Sobeys Club Sobeys card.

Myra Crownover

With numerous investments in natural gas and oil production, Crownover earns dividends from Devon Energy, a natural gas production company based in Oklahoma, Apache Corporation, and various other energy companies.

NTUC FairPrice

Every year, FairPrice offers NTUC Union Members (NTUC Cardholders) and FairPrice shareholders dividends, along with cash-back rebates for all purchases made at FairPrice supermarkets island-wide, including FairPrice Xtra, FairPrice Homemart, FairPrice Finest and FairPrice Express - excluding Cheers outlets.

Otto Bremer Foundation

The Otto Bremer Foundation owns 92 percent of Bremer Bank and receives an equivalent share of the bank profits that are paid out as dividends.

Revenue and Customs Commissioners v Holland

It claimed Holland was liable under Insolvency Act 1986 section 212 to account for dividends as they were misapplied or Holland was guilty of misfeasance or breach of fiduciary duty, and for that Holland needed to be treated as a de facto director.

Shipping Investments

A Shipping Investment is an investment of money into an asset related to worldwide shipping, usually containers, with the expectation of capital appreciation, dividends, and/or interest earnings.

USA vs. USSR radio chess match 1945

The Soviet program for producing a new generation of chess masters, originated and supervised by Nikolai Krylenko from the early 1930s, clearly was paying dividends.

see also