
unusual facts about doctoral


Andreas Kaplan

Furthermore, Professor Kaplan did his Habilitation (French post-doctoral qualification for Ph.D. supervisor) at the Pantheon-Sorbonne University.

Andrew Clausen

After leaving a graduate program at The University of Melbourne, he is pursuing a doctoral degree in economics at the University of Pennsylvania.

António de Vasconcelos Nogueira

Subsequently he gained a Degree and Masters from the University of Lisbon (founded 1290-1308; 1911) and later a Ph. D. in Philosophy from the University of Aveiro, where he undertook post doctoral research in Economic History.

Asad Naqvi

After completing his formal education, he held post-doctoral positions at the University of Pennsylvania and the University of Amsterdam before joining the University of Wales, Swansea in October 2005 as an assistant professor.

Berlin School of Library and Information Science

The Berlin School of Library and Information Science at Humboldt Universität zu Berlin (in German, "Institut für Bibliotheks- und Informationswissenschaft") offers study programmes at three levels: bachelors, masters (both a standard program and a postgraduate distant learning program), and doctoral.

Chao Tang

In 1987, as a post-doctoral research scientist in the Solid State Theory Group of Brookhaven National Laboratory, he and another fellow post-doctoral scientist, Kurt Wiesenfeld, along with their mentor, Per Bak, presented new ideas in group organization with a concept they coined self-organized criticality in their paper in Physical Review Letters.

Dacher Keltner

Professor Keltner received his B.A. in Psychology and Sociology from the University of California, Santa Barbara and his Ph.D. from Stanford University, and he completed three years of post-doctoral work with Paul Ekman at the University of California, San Francisco.

David Brion Davis

Davis taught more than a generation of students, and advised many doctoral students, who included such prize-winning historians as Edward Ayers, Karen Halttunen, T. J. Jackson Lears, Steven Mintz, Lewis Perry, Joan Shelley Rubin, Jonathan Sarna, Barbara Savage, Amy Dru Stanley, Christine Stansell, John Stauffer, and Sean Wilentz.

David Donoho

He has been the Ph.D. advisor of at least 20 doctoral students, including Emmanuel Candès.

Department of Physics, Quaid-e-Azam University

Between 1966-1968, Abdus Salam's doctoral students had returned to Pakistan after earning their doctorates and experience.

Donald C. Backer

Backer then took post-doctoral positions first at NRAO in Charlottesville, Virginia (1971–1973), and then at NASA/GSFC in Greenbelt, Maryland (1973–1975).

Doris Bartholomew

Her doctoral dissertation concerned the reconstruction and historical linguistics of the Oto-Pamean languages.

Earl H. Pritchard

1800 (based in part on his doctoral thesis, 1936), sections written for The American Historical Association's Guide to Historical Literature (1961), the coauthoring of Volume 4 of the UNESCO History of Mankind: Cultural and Scientific Development.

Eduardo García de Enterría

Born in Ramales de la Victoria, Cantabria, he studied law at the Universities of Barcelona and Madrid, where he obtained his Doctoral Degree, cum laude.

Élisabeth Roudinesco

She next defended her "habilitation à diriger des recherches" (H.D.R – the French accreditation needed to supervise doctoral dissertations) in 1991 with Michelle Perrot as supervisor and Alain Corbin, Dominique Lecourt, Jean-Claude Passeron, Robert Castel, and Serge Leclaire as members of the examining committee.

Eric Haseltine

He accomplished post-doctoral work in brain research at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine.

Frank Ticheli

He went on to receive his master's and doctoral degrees in composition from the University of Michigan, where he studied with William Albright, Leslie Bassett, George Wilson, and William Bolcom.

Friedbert Pflüger

His doctoral thesis was directed by Karl Dietrich Bracher and examined US-foreign policy "between idealism and realism".

George Yuri Rainich

Marjorie Lee Browne (9 September 1914-19 October 1979) was the second African-American woman to receive a doctoral degree in the U.S.

Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics

The Plaskett Fellowship is named after John Stanley Plaskett and is awarded to an outstanding, recent doctoral graduate in astrophysics or a closely related discipline.

Jack Paul Sederholm

Sederholm received his Ph.D. from Wayne State University in 1974, writing his doctoral dissertation on the stage career of Hassard Short.

Jakob Kellenberger

He wrote his undergraduate dissertation on Jean-Jacques Rousseau and his doctoral thesis on the Spanish playwright Pedro Calderón de la Barca.

Jane Anne Russell

She then did post-doctoral research on a Porter fellowship from the American Physiological Society.

John Embree

In 1935–36, as part of his doctoral thesis, he conducted field research in a rural area of Kumamoto on the southernmost Japanese island of Kyūshū.

Karl Rohn

The subject of his doctoral thesis and habilitation was the Kummer surfaces of order 4 and their relationship with hyperelliptic functions (with

Ksenija Atanasijević

An excellent student, she decided to pursue an academic career in philosophy and soon after graduation, began working on a doctoral thesis on Giordano Bruno's De triplici minimo.

L. W. Sumner

Sumner received his bachelor's degree from the University of Toronto in 1962 and his doctoral degree from Princeton University in 1965, with a thesis supervised by Stuart Hampshire and Joel Feinberg.

Lara Mahal

For this landmark work, Professor Mahal was awarded and American Chemical Society Medicinal Chemistry Pre-doctoral Fellowship.

Lothar Gall

Gall's doctoral thesis examined the political thought of Benjamin Constant, and its influence in Vormärz Germany.

Mandalay Technological University

As MTU offers only a few doctoral and postgraduate programs, students have to go to Yangon Technological University or abroad for doctoral and postgraduate programs.

Manfred Stahnke

He also holds a doctoral degree in musicology, with a thesis on the subject of Pierre Boulez' Third Piano Sonata (1979, under Constantin Floros in Hamburg).

Michael Vatikiotis

He studied Southeast Asian history and languages and his doctoral research was on the Northern Thai city of Chiang Mai.

Mitchell Feigenbaum

In the Angel (TV series) episode, "A Hole in the World", doctoral candidate Winifred "Fred" Burkle (portrayed by Amy Acker) is shown to have a stuffed bunny named Feigenbaum (whom she refers to as the "master of chaos").

Neil Shepard

Shepard studied with William Tremblay for his Master's work at Colorado State University and with Stanley Plumly, Wayne Dodd, and Paul Nelson for his doctoral work at Ohio University.

Philip Best

In 1998 Best published his doctoral thesis at Durham University entitled "Apocalypticism in the Fiction of William S. Burroughs, J.G. Ballard and Thomas Pynchon" and later received a doctorate in English literature.

Qasr Kharana

Archaeologist Stephen Urice wrote his doctoral dissertation, later published as a book, on Qasr Kharana, based on his work restoring the building in the late 1970s.

Raul Renter

In 1964 Renter defended Candidate of Economic Sciences degree, and in 1975 he presented his doctoral dissertation in Economics.

Richard G. Salomon

Going on to the University of Berlin, Salomon studied eastern European history under Theodor Schiemann (1847-1921), Byzantine history under Karl Krumbacher (1856-1921), the history of medieval law under Karl Zeurner (1849-1914), and Latin paleography under Michael Tangl (1861-1921), under whom he completed his doctoral dissertation in February 1907: Studien zur normannisch-italischen Diplomatik.

Robert E. Webber Institute for Worship Studies

IWS was conceived of in the 1990s by worship theologian Robert E. Webber, who intended to provide doctoral-level theological training to Worship Leaders and Music Ministers, who often complete Master degrees in areas like music or theology, and thus lack the divinity credentials to enroll in Doctor of Ministry programs.

Robert Todd Carroll

Carroll earned his PhD in philosophy in 1974 at the University of California, San Diego, writing his doctoral thesis on the religious philosophy of Edward Stillingfleet.

S. Rajasekharan

Rajasekharan is an approved research guide in Kerala, Calicut and Sanskrit Universities and Member of the Doctoral Committees of the University of Kerala, Mahatma Gandhi Sanskrit Universities and Kalamandalam

Sound symbolism

Linguist Keith McCune demonstrated in his doctoral thesis that virtually every word in the Indonesian language has an iconic (phonosemantic) component.

Supachai Panitchpakdi

In 1973, he completed his doctoral dissertation under supervision of Professor Jan Tinbergen, the first Nobel laureate in economics.


Virtual Personalities, Inc. traces its technology back to Dr. Michael Mauldin's work as a graduate student and post-doctoral fellow at Carnegie Mellon University; and its artistry back to Peter Plantec's work in personality psychology and art direction.

Virtual Library of Virginia

Members include all of the 39 state-assisted colleges and universities (the six doctoral degree-granting universities, nine four-year institutions, and 24 community and two-year branch colleges), as well as 34 of the independent (private, nonprofit) institutions and the Library of Virginia.

William Pannapacker

His doctoral dissertation was on poet Walt Whitman, and his scholarly emphasis is 19th-century American literature and culture.

World Chess Championship 1907

Emanuel Lasker had virtually retired after retaining the Chess World Championship in 1897, in part due to his doctoral studies in mathematics, but defended his title against Frank J. Marshall from January 26 to April 6, 1907, in the USA, games being played in New York, Philadelphia, Washington, D.C., Baltimore, Chicago and Memphis.

Yuri I. Manin

Manin had over 40 doctoral students, including Vladimir Berkovich, Mariusz Wodzicki, Alexander Beilinson, Ivan Cherednik, Alexei Skorobogatov, Vladimir Drinfeld, Vyacheslav Shokurov, Arend Bayer and Victor Kolyvagin, as well as foreign students including Hà Huy Khoái, now the most senior mathematician in Vietnam.

Zhu Hua

She has an MA in Applied Linguistics from Beijing Normal University (北京师范大学)and was the first doctoral student of the late Professor Qian Yuan (钱瑗), the daughter of the well known Chinese scholars and writers Qian Zhongshu (钱锺书)and Yang Jiang (杨绛).

see also