
unusual facts about dogmatics


Abd al-Mu'min

Having put his predecessor's doctrinal blend of Zahirite jurisprudence and Ash'arite dogmatics into practice, Abd al-Mu'min's rule was the first to unite the whole coast from Egypt to the Atlantic Ocean along with Spain under one creed and one government.

Macarius Magnes

This work agrees in its dogmatics with Gregory of Nyssa, and is valuable on account of the numerous excerpts from the writings of the opponent of Macarius.

Nikephoros I of Constantinople

Apologeticus major with the three Antirrhetici against Mamonas-Constantine Kopronymos, a complete dogmatics of the belief in images, with an exhaustive discussion and refutation of all objections made in opposing writings, as well as those drawn from the works of the Fathers;

Richard Gaffin

He has contributed to or edited several volumes, including Jerusalem and Athens (a Festschrift for Cornelius Van Til), Redemptive History and Biblical Interpretation; The Shorter Writings of Geerhardus Vos (editor), Biblical Principles & Business: The Foundations, Theonomy: A Reformed Critique, and the English translation of Reformed Dogmatics by Geerhardus Vos.

see also