
unusual facts about Nikephoros I of Constantinople

Nikephoros I of Constantinople

Apologeticus major with the three Antirrhetici against Mamonas-Constantine Kopronymos, a complete dogmatics of the belief in images, with an exhaustive discussion and refutation of all objections made in opposing writings, as well as those drawn from the works of the Fathers;

Anastasius Bibliothecarius

He also compiled a historical work, "Chronographia tripartita", from the Greek writings of Theophanes, Nicephorus, and George Syncellus, and made a collection of documents concerning the affairs of Pope Honorius I.


By the time of the Byzantine Iconoclasm several centuries later, Eusebius had unfairly gained the reputation of having been an Arian, and was roundly condemned as such by Patriarch Nikephoros I of Constantinople.

see also