
2 unusual facts about domain name


Growth spiked when Lowe and Brosk began advertising free domain names in exchange for prepaid hosting accounts on a daily deal website.


A user style may be more or less selective, targeting one specific web page, or several, or all of the pages on one or more domains, or every page on the web.

Bank Julius Baer v. WikiLeaks

In early February 2008, Judge Jeffrey White of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California forced Dynadot, the domain registrar of wikileaks.org, to disassociate the site's domain name records with its servers, preventing use of the domain name to reach the site.

Cybercast News Service

CNSNews.com was founded by L. Brent Bozell III on June 16, 1998, under the name Conservative News Service and the domain name conservativenews.org.

Good Garage Scheme

On September 23, 2002, seven days after DTI Consumer Minister Melanie Johnson released the government Good Garage scheme, Forte Lubricants registered goodgaragescheme.com as a domain name.


In 1996 the service working under the mobimail.com domain became available for subscribers of the Dutch KPN and RAM mobile data networks.

Raijin Comics

On May 5, 2005, Raijin lost control of the raijincomics.com domain name to domain squatters.

Scott Swedorski

Scott Swedorski is the founder of Tucows (The Ultimate Collection of Winsock Software), a large Internet domain name reseller, and Internet service provider.

see also


am ccTLD enjoy popularity due to the connection to AM radio (similar to the .fm and .tv ccTLDs), and the ability to form English words ending in "am" — e.g. the mobile photo sharing service Instagram uses the Armenian domain name Instagr.am.


A minor incident was caused when the right to use the domain name www.borat.kz, the website of Sacha Baron Cohen's Kazakh character, Borat, was suspended.


xxx domain name being registered without a focus on pornographic content was the registration of popebenedict.xxx, which contained pro-Islamic content despite being named after Pope Benedict XVI.


yu domain registry had been left in Slovenia, and the domain became a succession matter when the Slovenians refused to relinquish the domain name to the University of Belgrade in Serbia, which had requested they do so.

Babylon 5's use of the Internet

In September 1995 they hired a fan, Troy Rutter, to take over the site and move it not only to its own domain name at www.babylon5.com, but also to oversee the "Keyword B5" area on America Online.

Bush White House email controversy

The "gwb43.com" domain name was publicized by Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), who sent a letter to Oversight and Government Reform Committee committee chairman Henry A. Waxman requesting an investigation.


The website subsequently went down, and the domain name was later taken by an Australian programming site.


John Hooi then started funding the site himself and officially registered the domain name Fishingkaki.com and with the help of his friend Viper of Console City, began FishingKaki with a forum based on the PHP Bulletin Board system.


UDRP - Uniform Domain Name Resolution Policy suggested by ICANN

Lamparello v. Falwell

In 1999, Christopher Lamparello registered the domain name fallwell.com and used the affiliated website as a gripe site to express his negative opinions about the Fundamentalist Christian preacher Jerry Falwell's public statements against homosexuality.

Michael Aston

In September, 2002, ICANN awarded Michael the www.genelovesjezebel.com domain name.

Mott Community College

Scott Swedorski, founder of Tucows (The Ultimate Collection of Winsock Software), a large Internet domain name reseller, and Internet service provider.

NIC Argentina

Delegation for the .ar ccTLD, was requested on August 20, 1987, as part of the transition to the Internet Domain Name System.

Phil Lodico

In June 2009, he appeared as the featured speaker on the Trademark Track Panel at the Los Angeles Intellectual Property Law Association’s (LAIPLA) Spring Seminar, where he addressed various domain name issues including ICANN and the proposed introduction of new gTLDs.

Rogers Cadenhead

In 2005, Cadenhead achieved brief notoriety for registering the domain name benedictxvi.com several weeks before the name was chosen by Pope Benedict XVI, joking that he would give it to the Vatican in exchange for a mitre and "complete absolution, no questions asked, for the third week of March 1987."


Most owners of a toll-free number that spells something (see Phoneword), will also try to register the matching domain name and therefore create a teledotcom; a valuable asset should they wish to sell it.

Trademark dilution

For example, in the 1998 case of Panavision International v. Toeppen, defendant Dennis Toeppen registered the domain name www.panavision.com, and posted aerial views of the city of Pana, Illinois on the site.


CNET had originally acquired the domain name (among other generic domain names like news.com, radio.com, etc.) in the mid-1990s to host a website for the company's technology-related TV shows.

Virtual server

Virtual hosting, a method that servers such as webservers use to host more than one domain name on the same computer.

Voices That Matter

The Voices That Matter domain name, voicesthatmatter.com, is currently a redirect to the "Voices That Matter" series of books published by Pearson imprint Peachpit Press.

Zak Muscovitch

In 2009 Muscovitch also represented Netego DotCom successfully against key companies belonging to billionaire Li Ka-shing before a World Intellectual Property Organization dispute adjudication panel, panelwhich resulted in the Panel declaring that this was a case of "Reverse Domain Name Hijacking".