
unusual facts about doublethink

Jerry Coyne

He claims that religion and science are fundamentally incompatible, that only rational evaluation of evidence is capable of reliably discovering the world and the way it works, and that scientists who hold religious views are only reflective of the idea "that people can hold two conflicting notions in their heads at the same time".


Edward S. Herman, political economist and media analyst, has highlighted some examples of doublespeak and doublethink in modern society.


Telescreens, in addition to being surveillance devices, are also the equivalent of televisions (hence the name), broadcasting propaganda about Oceania's military victories, economic production figures, spirited renditions of the national anthem to heighten patriotism, and Two Minutes Hate, which is a two-minute film of Emmanuel Goldstein's wishes for freedom of speech and press, which the citizens have been trained to disagree with through doublethink.

The Deadweights

On August 26, 2008, the band released New Oldspeak, an EP featuring songs not included in From the Age of Doublethink.

see also