
unusual facts about dramatic poem

Arnold von Winkelried

Juliusz Słowacki created this way of thinking in his dramatic poem "Kordian", where the titular character decides to kill the Tsar of Russia to take Poland's suffering on himself, easing a breakthrough to freedom for his nation.

see also

Adolf Wilbrandt

His merits were acknowledged by the award of the Grillparzer prize on two occasions—in 1895 for the tragedy Gracchus der Volkstribun, and in 1890 for his dramatic poem Der Meister von Palmyra, while in 1878 he received the Schiller prize for his dramatic productions.

Isaac ben Saul Chmelniker Candia

Candia also wrote Toledot Mosheh (The Generation of Moses), a dramatic poem in two acts based on the life of Moses, and supplemented by other poems, original, or translated from Schiller's Die Bürgschaft, and from Gellert (Warsaw, 1829).

Nicolas-François Guillard

He used a wide range of subjects as a starting point, basing his libretto for Sacchini's final opera, Arvire et Évélina, on an English dramatic poem and also using the works of Pierre Corneille on two occasions.