
2 unusual facts about duomo


According to the Oxford English Dictionary, and to Lo Zingarelli, the word duomo derives from the Latin word "domus", meaning house, as a cathedral is the "house of God", or domus Dei.

Hamburger Dom

After the demolition of the cathedral (1804–1807), the market was held on the Gänsemarkt (geese market) in 1804, but kept the name Dom.

Andrea Terzi

He taught himself illustration, and in 1872, he helped illustrate a book on the Palatine Chapel of Palermo, Il Duomo di Monreale, written by professor Michele Amari, Monsignor Isidoro Carini, and Saverio Cavallaro.


Parish Church of San Salvatore (Duomo), the seventeenth-century structure located in the center of the country, with frescoes by Antonio Guadagnini.

Costantino Sereno

Among other fresco works are those for the Palazzo Carignano in Turin; the Duomo of Casale Monferrato (1860-1861); the Sanctuary della Consolata, Church of San Secondo, and of Maria Ausiliatrice in Turin; Angels and the Assumption of the Virgin (1865) for the parish church of Fubine, Alessandria.

Funerary Monument to Sir John Hawkwood

However, it remains an open question whether Hawkwood's remains were ever transferred to England, to the tomb prepared for him at St. Peter's in Sible Hedingham, or whether his remains were reburied in 1405 under the old choir of the Duomo, of which record has been lost since it was repaved in the 16th century.


The Duomo (cathedral), dedicated to San Salvatore, was originally built in the 14th Century, but it now has a neo-classical appearance thanks to extensive renovation work done in the early 19th century under the direction of Sienese architect Agostino Fantasici.

Pazzi conspiracy

On Sunday, 26 April 1478, during High Mass at the Duomo before a crowd of 10,000, the Medici brothers were assaulted.

Piacenza Cathedral

During its history the Duomo was host to several minor composers as maestro di capella including Francesco Maria Bazzani, and Giuseppe Nicolini.


This location places SACI students in the vicinity of the Duomo, the churches of San Lorenzo and Santa Maria Novella, and is just steps away from the central market and the new Alinari photography museum.The Palazzo was remodeled as a residence in the 17th century for the mathematician Vincenzo Viviani, who had been a pupil of the astronomer and scientist Galileo Galilei.


However, since Dom (like the Italian Duomo) is in German an expression for churches with a college, thus actual cathedrals and collegiate churches alike, Domstifter also existed with collegiate churches not being cathedrals, like with the Supreme Parish and Collegiate Church in Berlin, now often translated as Berlin Cathedral, though it never was the seat of a bishop, but endowed with a Domstift.

Ulisse Cambi

From 1840s on he realised several important artworks such as the statues of Benvenuto Cellini and Carlo Goldoni (both in Florence) and the monumental fountain located in Prato (Piazza Duomo).

see also