
unusual facts about electrodes


Cortical remapping

To better understand this phenomenon in the brain, they used micro-electrodes to micromap the monkey’s cortical map of its hand.


Impedance sensing: particles collecting at the electrode edge have an influence on the impedance of the electrodes.

Electrode boiler

The electrodes are connected to a high voltage A.C. source (typically 6,600 volts to 13,800 volts){If D.C. voltage is used Electrolysis of water occurs decomposing water into its elements H2 at the cathode(-ve electrode) and O2 at the anode(+ve electrode)}.

EndoStim Electrical Stimulation Therapy

The implantation procedure lasts approximately 40 minutes, and involves attaching two small electrodes from the lead to the lower esophagus.

Energy applications of nanotechnology

In a study concerning ultracapacitors or supercapacitors, researchers at the Sungkyunkwan University in the Republic of Korea explored the possibility of increasing the capacitance of electrodes through the addition of fluorine atoms to the walls of carbon nanotubes.

Epilepsy surgery

Certain lesions require Long-term video-EEG monitoring with the use of intracranial electrodes if noninvasive testing was inadequate to identify the epileptic focus or distinguish the surgical target from normal brain tissue and function.

Hall effect

The sample inhomogeneity might result in spurious sign of the Hall effect, even in ideal van der Pauw configuration of electrodes.

Josephson penetration depth

where d I is the thickness of the Josephson barrier (usually insulator), d {1,2} are the thicknesses of superconducting electrodes, and \lambda {1,2} are their London penetration depths.

M Stanley Whittingham

Dr. Whittingham is a key figure in the history of the development of Lithium-ion batteries discovering the concept of intercalation electrodes.

Noel Desmond Gray

Legal action over the sale of faulty "J Lead" electrodes, inherited by Telectronics in acquisition of pacemaker manufacturer Cordis corporation of Miama led to the company having to settle extensive worldwide compensation claims.

Non-volatile memory

In Thinfilm's organic memory the ferroelectric polymer is sandwiched between two sets of electrodes in a passive matrix.

Organic field-effect transistor

The most commonly used device geometry is bottom gate with top drain and source electrodes, because this geometry is similar to the thin-film silicon transistor (TFT) using thermally grown gate dielectric.


In addition, the quartz's piezoelectric property converts the mechanical vibrations into an oscillating voltage, which is picked up by the attached electrodes.

Systematic Human Rights Violations Under Pinochet

One torture method which was very commonly used was the “grill” or "La Parilla." In this torture, electricity was fed from a standard wall outlet through a control box into two wires each terminating in electrodes.

Tipu Aziz

Aziz’s work involves inducing Parkinsonian symptoms in monkeys, either surgically or using drugs, then switching off the symptoms using electrodes he has implanted in their brains.

William Eccles

Eccles invented the term Diode to describe an evacuated glass tube containing two electrodes; an anode and a cathode.

see also