
unusual facts about emails


2012 ICT Skype controversy

The 2012 ICT Skype controversy was the leaking of Skype conversations and emails between Mohammed Nizamul Huq, head judge and chairman of Bangladesh's International Crimes Tribunal, and Ahmed Ziauddin, a Bangladeshi lawyer based in Brussels.

2013 Department of Justice investigations of reporters

In 2013, the United States Department of Justice, under Attorney General Eric Holder, came under scrutiny from the media and some members of Congress for subpoenaing phone records from the Associated Press and naming Fox News reporter, James Rosen, a "criminal co-conspirator" under the Espionage Act of 1917 in order to gain access to his personal emails and phone records.

Alphonso Jackson

In March 2008, The Washington Post reported on a series of emails in early 2007 between HUD assistant secretaries Kim Kendrick and Orlando J. Cabrera that suggested that HUD leadership sought to punish Carl R. Greene, the director of the Philadelphia Housing Authority (PHA).

American Conspiracies

Ventura reveals that a White House computer consultant named Michael Connell was responsible for computerized vote theft in Florida in 2000 and for “disappearing” millions of White House emails that had been subpoenaed by Congress.

Australian Christian Lobby

When the government announced that it would adjust the previous surrogacy legislation to exclude same sex couples, the Queensland ACL branch director, Wendy Francis, said that she was subject to a barrage of abusive and pornographic emails and mobile phone calls.

Barton Deakin

The situation was exacerbated when a British MP with the same name - Grahame Morris - mistakenly received emails and Tweets aimed at the Australian Grahame Morris.


The Blackphone is a smartphone developed by the makers of Geeksphone, Silent Circle and PGP that will provide encryption for phone calls, emails, texts, and internet browsing.

Bush White House email controversy

Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington and the Wall Street Journal contend that the missing emails may constitute a violation of this Act.

While investigating the Reading First program CREW learned that employees use private emails to conduct official business.

CCR v. Bush

In CCR v. Bush the Center for Constitutional Rights filed a lawsuit against the Bush Presidency, challenging the National Security Agency's (NSA's) surveillance of people within the United States, including the interception of CCR emails without securing a warrant first.

CD Jávea

As a consequence of the programmes, CD Jávea received well over 100 emails from players and coaches in the UK, including Football League side Southend United.

Colm Murphy

He questioned evidence surrounding emails from US undercover agent David Rupert while overturning the judgment on Murphy.

Don't Wanna Let You Go

An obsessive female fan (portrayed by Keira Knightley) appears to have been constantly sending Five emails and letters in the hope of meeting them, so they decide to go to the girl's address in their Range Rover.

Freedom of Information requests to the Climatic Research Unit

In May 2008 David Holland, an electrical engineer from Northampton, made a FOI request for all emails to and from Keith Briffa about the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report (AR4); formal review exchanges had already been published.

Greeting card

The largest recorded number of greeting cards sent to a single person went to Craig Shergold, a beneficiary/victim of chain letters and later chain emails.

Horniman Museum

In 2004 the museum encountered problems receiving web traffic and sending and receiving emails due to the modern connotations of its name confusing pornography filters.

Italian American One Voice Coalition

The Italian American One Voice Coalition has also created the first-ever nationwide “rapid response” network of defenders who respond quickly to instances of Italian American bias and stereotyping through emails, letters, phone calls and through social media.

Jawed Siddiqi

In April 2006, Siddiqi successfully defended Professor Richard Bornat of Middlesex University in a hearing concerning his suspension due to controversial emails.

Kasey Anderson

The indictment also alleged Kasey falsified emails from Jon Landau, Bruce Springsteen's manager, as part of the effort to defraud the investors.

Katharine Viner

She is best known for My Name Is Rachel Corrie, a play she compiled with actor Alan Rickman from the writings and emails of Rachel Corrie, an American activist killed in Rafah, Gaza in 2003.

Kathy Sierra

In March 2007, Sierra abruptly canceled her appearance at the O'Reilly ETech conference in San Diego due to threatening blog posts and emails, including death threats.

Lamar S. Owens Jr.

At trial, presiding military judge Commander John A. Maksym determined that the superintendent of the Naval Academy, Vice-Admiral Rodney P. Rempt had made comments and sent emails that constituted an appearance of unlawful command influence and granted the defense additional peremptory challenges during jury selection.

Lucy Kellaway

Her second book was a satirical novel in emails: Martin Lukes: Who Moved My BlackBerry (July 2005).

Some years later, a satirical column purporting to be the emails of Martin Lukes, a senior manager in a company called A&B (later expensively re-branded to a-b glöbâl) would appear on Thursdays.


On January 28, 2011, MAQAM turned their official Facebook and Twitter pages into live feeds, reporting all calls, emails, tweets, photos, video, and news from Egypt, giving Egyptians under the internet blockade access to their global audience during the Egyptian Revolution of 2011.

Murder of Robert Eric Wone

In April, 2009, prosecutors disclosed that two emails had been drafted on Wone's BlackBerry "at a time when prosecutors believed Wone dead".

Paula Broadwell

About May 2012 Jill Kelley began to receive emails that she considered to be threatening and harassing.


PHPMailer sends an SMTP extension command with the sent emails as below which can be used to get the usage report of PHPMailer on the ESPs(Email Service Providers):


The picture, a modified version of John Lurie's watercolor Bear Surprise, whose popularity was stoked by emails and blogs, features a man and a woman having sex in the clearing of a forest, being surprised by a bear calling "Surprise!" with its paws raised.

Sharon Underwood

Underwood's letter, the result of more than two decades of anger built up by "standard gay bashing", was subsequently reproduced in newspapers, emails and on websites around the world, including that of Democratic National Committee treasurer Andrew Tobias, who posted it under the headline "The best thing I've read all year".


The emails also revealed that as early as August 2009, an aide to then-White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel had asked a Department of Energy official if he could discuss any concerns among the investment community about Solyndra but that the official dismissed the idea that Solyndra had financial problems.

Stephanie Kopelousos

Months before the issue came to a vote, Florida Senator Paula Dockery, an opponent of the legislation, made a public records request for all emails to and from the FDOT concerning SunRail, CSX and Amtrak.

Steve Alperin

Alperin was later the editor in charge of ABC's website when it broke the scandal involving Congressmen Mark Foley and sexually explicit emails to underage congressional pages.

Steven A. Boylan

In late October 2007, Boylan became embroiled in a dispute with Glenn Greenwald of Salon Magazine over articles by Greenwald related to the prosecution of the Iraq War by the George W. Bush presidency and a series of emails.

Support Incident Tracker

Support Incident Tracker (commonly abbreviated to "SiT!") is an Open Source (GPL) web based application which uses PHP and MySQL for tracking technical support calls/emails.

The Sunday Star-Times

Steve Braunias was a regular columnist for the Sunday magazine part of the newspaper, but was sacked in early 2011 for exchanging abusive emails with a Gisborne police prosecutor named Claire Stewart.

Todd Boulanger

Documents released with Boulanger's guilty plea include emails by Boulanger, Abramoff, and Ring discussing giving "Staffer E" -- identified by the Associated Press as Sen. Thad Cochran aide Ann Copland -- tickets for ice skating and Paul McCartney and Green Day concerts.

Tuttle, Oklahoma

In March 2006, Tuttle gained brief notoriety in some technical circles after former City Manager Jerry A. Taylor exchanged emails with CentOS developer Johnny Hughes, confused that a misconfiguration issue at the webhost provider was an attempt by CentOS to "hack" the City's website.


The family name of Farida Mzamber Waziri, Chairman of Nigeria's Economic and Financial Crimes Commission and mentioned in many scam emails

Websites and phone numbers in the Year Zero alternate reality game

Operation of The Mailstrom consists of two text input boxes, one labeled "Wreckage" and the other labeled "Shard." The Mailstrom is said to be a "decryption field" which, seemingly at random and only rarely, is able to intercept emails being sent through the government-controlled data stream, the Consolidated Mail System.


Spam filters that come with email clients have both whitelists and blacklists of senders and keywords to look for in emails.

see also