
3 unusual facts about entropy


The analysis which led to the concept of entropy began with the work of French mathematician Lazare Carnot who in his 1803 paper Fundamental Principles of Equilibrium and Movement proposed that in any machine the accelerations and shocks of the moving parts represent losses of moment of activity.

Entropy: A New World View

Entropy: A New World View is a non-fiction book by Jeremy Rifkin and Ted Howard, with an Afterword by Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen.


The two would work together again on many missions, including against the incarnation of Entropy on Oa.

Annie Sprinkle

She starred in Nick Zedd's experimental films War Is Menstrual Envy (1992), Ecstasy in Entropy (1999), and Electra Elf: The Beginning (2005).

Boltzmann's entropy formula

In 1934, Swiss physical chemist Werner Kuhn successfully derived a thermal equation of state for rubber molecules using Boltzmann's formula, which has since come to be known as the entropy model of rubber.


The Bekenstein entropy is proportional to the black hole mass squared; because the Schwarzschild radius is proportional to the mass, the Bekenstein entropy is proportional to the black hole's surface area. In fact,

Dominic Hawksley

Dominic Hawksley is an actor who appeared in Death Machine and Entropy.

Entropy in thermodynamics and information theory

There are close parallels between the mathematical expressions for the thermodynamic entropy, usually denoted by S, of a physical system in the statistical thermodynamics established by Ludwig Boltzmann and J. Willard Gibbs in the 1870s, and the information-theoretic entropy, usually expressed as H, of Claude Shannon and Ralph Hartley developed in the 1940s.


Like many memoized codes, Hashlife can consume significantly more memory than other algorithms, especially on moderate-sized patterns with a lot of entropy, or which contain subpatterns poorly aligned to the bounds of the quadtree nodes (i.e. power-of-two sizes); the cache is a vulnerable component.

History of entropy

In another example, entropy plays the main villain in Isaac Asimov's short story The Last Question (first copyrighted in 1956).

Isaak Yaglom

The channel capacity work of Claude Shannon is developed from first principles in four chapters: probability, entropy and information, information calculation to solve logical problems, and applications to information transmission.

Jason Sebastian Russo

Common Prayer There Is A Mountain (Big Potato Records / South Cherry Entropy, 2010)

Laplace's demon

The limit is based on the maximum entropy of the universe, the speed of light, and the minimum amount of time taken to move information across the Planck length, and the figure was shown to be about 10120 bits.

Levi L. Conant Prize

2002: Elliott Lieb und Jakob Yngvason for A Guide to Entropy and the Second Law of Thermodynamics. Notices of the AMS, Vol.

Linear entropy

The linear entropy and von Neumann entropy are similar measures of the degree of mixing of a state, although the linear entropy is easier to calculate, as it does not require diagonalization of the density matrix.

Matthew Seligman

Matthew has always played a black Fender Jazz bass as his first choice instrument, and in addition uses an Ibanez with a C-ducer contact mic placed on the neck, close to the neck/body junction, for his fretless work primarily with Thomas Dolby, but also Peter Murphy and, more recently, in an ambient collection recorded with Japan/Hong Kong based musician Jan Linton for the Sendai Earthquake relief fund, due to be released by Entropy Records in 2012.

Nicola Scafetta

Scafetta developed Diffusion Entropy Analysis, a method of statistical analysis which distinguishes between Levy Walk noises and Fractional Brownian motion in complex systems.

Peter Štefan

Peter Štefan (or Peter Stefan) (1941, Bratislava, Slovak Republic – 18 June 1978, Tryfan, Wales) was a Slovak mathematician who was known for his works on dynamical systems and mathematical entropy.

Randomness extractor

NIST Special Publication 800-90B (draft) recommends several extractors, including the SHA hash family and states that if the amount of entropy input is twice the number of bits output from them, that output can be considered essentially fully random.

Residual entropy

One of the first examples of residual entropy was pointed out by Pauling to describe water ice.

Sackur–Tetrode equation

The physical chemist Arieh Ben-Naim rederived the Sackur–Tetrode equation for entropy in terms of information theory, and in doing so he tied in well known concepts from modern physics.

The Keeper of Traken

The story also continues the season-long theme of entropy; the Doctor refers to the Second law of thermodynamics, of particular relevance to the earlier "E-Space trilogy", and which will be of far greater significance in the subsequent story, Logopolis.

Thermodynamic cycle

2→3: Isochoric Cooling: Constant volume(v), Decrease in pressure (P), Decrease in entropy (S), Decrease in temperature (T)


Unary coding, an entropy encoding that represents a number n with n − 1 ones followed by a zero

You've Come a Long Way, Baby

"Gangster Trippin" contains samples of "Entropy", written and performed by DJ Shadow (Josh Davis), and "Beatbox Wash", written and performed by the Dust Junkys (Sam Brox, Ganiyu Pierre Gasper, Stephen Jones, Nicholas Lockett and Myke Wilson).

see also