
unusual facts about environmental movement

Hannahville Indian Community

Throughout the past ten years, the Tribe has been committed to developing environmental protection programs to ensure a healthy and safe environment for current and future generations.

Bill Wattenburg

Wattenburg expresses strong support for nuclear power and disdain for the Sierra Club and the environmental movement, supporters of which he calls eco-freaks, eco-frauds or eco-nuts.

Ecological modernization

In the latter case, ecological modernization shares with Ulrich Beck (1999, 37-40) and others notions of the necessity of emergence of new forms of environmental governance, sometimes referred to as subpolitics or political modernization, where the environmental movement, community groups, businesses, and other stakeholders increasingly take on direct and leadership roles in stimulating environmental transformation.

Eugene Odum

By 1970, when the first Earth Day was organized, Odum's conception of the living Earth as a global set of interlaced ecosystems became one of the key insights of the environmental movement that has since spread through the world.

see also

Bond No. 9

2012 saw the launch of I LOVE NY for Earth Day as a celebration of the environmental movement and New York’s dedication to it.

Environmental movement in the United States

Earth Days, a 2009 documentary feature film about the start of the environmental movement in the United States.

Jane McAlevey

McAlevey was recruited to move to California to work out of David Brower’s new Earth Island Institute on a project aimed at educating the environmental movement in the US about the ecological consequences of U.S. military policy in Central America.

Jill Stein

And that’s true, for the environmental movement, the student movement, the antiwar movement, health-care-as-a-human-right movement—you put us all together, we have the potential for a Tahrir Square type event, and to turn the White House into a Green House in November.

Richard Norgaard

His commitment to and involvement in the environmental movement began when he served as a river guide to David Brower, then Executive Director of the Sierra Club, for the Glen Canyon stretch of the Colorado River in the early 1960s.

Sea Change Radio

The program seeks out well-known luminaries in the environmental movement such as Bill McKibben, Stewart Brand, Van Jones and Louie Psihoyos, but also features less-known personalities making a difference through research, activism, community organizing, and responsible business practices.

The Silent World

Cousteau later became more environmentally conscious, involved in marine conservation, and was even, ironically, called "the father of the environmental movement" by Ted Turner.