
unusual facts about environmental organization

Active Citizens Transform

Active Citizens Transform was founded in 2004 by Charles Secrett, former Executive Director of the environmental organization Friends of the Earth, and Ron Bailey as a new non-party political movement in the United Kingdom.

see also

Bird-skyscraper collisions

Several major cities like Toronto in Canada and New York City in the United States have programs to abate this, such as Toronto's Fatal Light Awareness Program (FLAP) and New York City's Lights Out New York, a program of New York City Audubon an environmental organization.

Glen Canyon Dam

Led by David Brower, the environmental organization Sierra Club fought a protracted battle against the Bureau of Reclamation, on the basis that "building the dam would not only destroy a unique wilderness area, but would set a terrible precedent for exploiting resources in America's national parks and monuments".


Kentuckians for the Commonwealth, a grassroots environmental organization based out of the commonwealth (state) of Kentucky in the USA


Norwegian Society for the Conservation of Nature (Norwegian: Norges Naturvernforbund), also known as Friends of the Earth Norway and commonly abbreviated "NNV," the largest Norwegian environmental organization

Patricia Chew

Chew served for a number of years as Executive Director of West Coast Environmental Law, an environmental organization based in Vancouver, British Columbia.


Restore Hetch Hetchy, an environmental organization focused on the Hetch Hetchy Valley in Yosemite National Park

Solihull plant

In 2005, production of the Range Rover and the Range Rover Sport at the Solihull plant was temporarily interrupted by protestors from the environmental organization Greenpeace.

The Monkey Wrench Gang

The book may have been the inspiration for Dave Foreman's and Mike Roselle's creation of Earth First!, a direct action environmental organization that often advocates much of the minor vandalism depicted in the book.