
unusual facts about epigram


Annals of Human Genetics

It was established in 1925 by Karl Pearson as the Annals of Eugenics, with as subtitle, Darwin's epigram "I have no Faith in anything short of actual measurement and the rule of three".

Armenian Pantheon of Tbilisi

Ghazaros Aghayan gravestone with the epigram: "Friend of children Ghazaros Aghayan" is lost too.

Ben Sonnenberg

Sonnenberg started communicating in epigrams at age seven and started writing his memoirs at age 13, inspired by Giacomo Casanova's Histoire de ma vie.

Byzantine literature

Imitating the literature of the Alexandrian period, they wrote romances, panegyrics, epigrams, satires, and didactic and hortatory poetry, following the models of Heliodorus and Achilles Tatius, Asclepiades and Posidippus, Lucian and Longus.

Domitius Marsus

He was the author of a collection of epigrams called Cicuta ("hemlock") for their bitter sarcasm, and of a beautiful epitaph on the death of Tibullus; of elegiac poems, probably of an erotic character; of an epic poem Amazonis; and of a prose work on wit (De urbanitate).

Dorothy Arnold

She was last seen in Brentano's bookstore on 26th Street, where she purchased a book of epigrams; before that, she had visited Park & Tilford's store at the corner of Fifth Avenue and 27th Street and charged a pound of candy to her account.

Erwin Knoll

Speaking to the House of Delegates of the American Bar Association, in Chicago Jan. 25, 1982, Attorney General William French Smith referred to the epigram "Everything you read in the newspapers is absolutely true except for the rare story of which you happen to have firsthand knowledge" as Knoll's Law of Media Accuracy.

Jean de La Fontaine

The reading of Malherbe, it is said, first awoke poetical fancies in him, but for some time he attempted nothing but trifles in the fashion of the time - epigrams, ballades, rondeaux, etc.

John Byrom

He is also remembered for his epigrams, and, above all, his coinage of the phrase Tweedledum and Tweedledee (in connection with a dispute about the merits of two composers).

John Maxwell Edmonds

This epitaph was inspired by an epigram of the Greek poet Simonides of Ceos to the fallen at the Battle of Thermopylae, and was later used (with a misquote) for the memorial for those who fell at the Battle of Kohima.

John Milton's reception history

John Dryden, in an epigram, believed that Milton ranked with Homer and Virgil; but it is uncertain how sincere Dryden was, given that the conventions of the time expected such lofty commendations of individuals.

Krissi Murison

Murison attended The Abbey School in Reading from 1993–2000, going on to study English Literature at Bristol University, where she edited the music pages of student newspaper Epigram.

Metaphysical poets

Their style was characterized by wit and metaphysical conceits—far-fetched or unusual similes or metaphors, such as in Andrew Marvell’s comparison of the soul with a drop of dew; in an expanded epigram format, with the use of simple verse forms, octosyllabic couplets, quatrains or stanzas in which length of line and rhyme scheme enforce the sense.


A work by Milred, a compilation of epigrams and epigraphs on Anglo-Saxon churchmen, some of whom are known only from this work, is now lost apart from a single 10th century copy of one page, held by the library of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Robert Burns' diamond point engravings

Local tradition has long held that Burns visited Neil Gow at Dunkeld and went with him to the Inver Inn where, on seeing and hearing an irate woman, the poet inscribed an epigram which he wrote then and there on the window with his diamond pen.

Roger Dickinson-Brown

They are often written in the plain style and were evidently influenced by the epigrammatic tradition of Catullus, Martial (whom he translates) and J. V. Cunningham, including their social satire and sometimes risqué humor.


Terry Pratchett included the following SF haiku as a chapter epigram in his early non-Discworld novel, The Dark Side of the Sun (1976).

see also