
unusual facts about epiphytic


Alfred National Park

The park is particularly known for occurrence of four varieties of tree ferns and of epiphytic orchids such as the orange-blossom orchid Sarcochilus falcatus and the rock orchid Dendrobium speciosum.

Allt Pontfaen - Coed Gelli-fawr

The site is described by Natural Resources Wales as containing: "Six contiguous ancient semi-natural woodlands situated on the steep slopes of the south side of the Gwaun Valley sub-glacial meltwater channel. The rich epiphytic lichen flora is of national importance, featuring many old forest species. Several notable woodland plants and invertebrates occur. Dormice are also present."


The term cereus is used to describe cacti with very elongated bodies, including columnar growth cacti and epiphytic cacti.

Colura zoophaga

The habitat of Colura zoophaga, epiphytic and deriving all nutrients from rainwater, has been compared to that of known carnivorous plants such as Brocchinia reducta, an epiphytic bromeliad.


Like the ergot alkaloids in some monocot plants, the ergoline alkaloids found in the plant Ipomoea asarifolia (Convolvulaceae) are produced by a seed-transmitted epiphytic clavicipitaceous fungus.

Fiery-throated Hummingbird

The food of this species is nectar, taken from a variety of small flowers, including epiphytic Ericaceae and bromeliads.

Hall of Mosses Trail

Along the trail there is a side path of 200 feet that leads to a grove of maple trees covered with epiphytic spikemoss (the "Hall of Mosses").


Myrmecodia species have certain superficial resemblances to "mistletoes", but are epiphytic, not markedly parasitic, and are not in any parasitic plant family; they are in fact in the coffee family, Rubiaceae.

Metrosideros robusta

The bark is usually brown or grey-brown and rather corky and provides an ideal stratum for the roots of epiphytic plants such as Astelia species and Freycinetia banksii (kiekie).

Spectacled Flowerpecker

When observed the birds were feeding in a fruiting epiphytic mistletoe that was parasitising a large Koompassia excelsa tree.

Thomas Lobb

Phalaenopsis amabilis (1846), an epiphytic moth orchid from rainforests across Java, Philippines, New Guinea and Northern Australia;

Violet-crowned Woodnymph

Males feed in the canopy, where their food plants include epiphytic Ericaceae and bromeliads, and defend flowers and scrubs in their feeding territories.

White-throated Mountaingem

The food of this species is nectar, taken from a variety of small flowers, including epiphytic Ericaceae.

see also