As built, the cathedral reached 50 meters height; it was finished in three shades of sandstone color with equal-armed cross ornament.
Equal Rights Amendment | Equal Employment Opportunity Commission | The Spirit Level: Why More Equal Societies Almost Always Do Better | Equal Vision Records | Equal opportunity | Equal Pay Act | Out & Equal | March on Washington for Lesbian, Gay and Bi Equal Rights and Liberation | Equal Treatment Directive | Equal Scary People | Equal opportunity employment | Equal Opportunities Commission | Equal-Armed Cross | equal-armed cross | Equal Access to Justice Act | equal | 31 equal temperament | 17 equal temperament |
If nations are still tied, equal ranking is given and they are listed alphabetically by IPC country code.
Contemporary advocates of 22 equal temperament include music theorist Paul Erlich.
On 23 March, 18 pilots were assigned to the squadron and an equal number of aircraft, British Sopwith 1½ Strutter, commonly called "Pups".
Abhenry is the centimeter-gram-second electromagnetic unit of inductance, equal to one billionth of a henry.
The most basic duple-pulse figure found in the Music of Africa and music of the African diaspora is a figure the Cubans call tresillo, a Spanish word meaning 'triplet' (three equal beats in the same time as two main beats).
Knoch was put off by the doctrine of the Trinity, saying that its sense of Divinity of Jesus Christ as being equal with God the Father is not biblical.
Art, science, and technology often meet as equal partners for Astro artists while they are creating new work.
The book is divided into two roughly equal halves; the first, Simultaneita, contains 12 'simultaneous' poems laid out in standard typography; the second section, Chimismi Lirici, contains 10 poems that use multiple fonts, signs, adverts, brand names, repetition and onomatopoeiac devices that are contemporaneous to Marinetti's similar experiments in Zang Tumb Tumb, and prefigure Marinetti's later, more abstract Les Mots En Liberte Futuristes, 1919.
The band released A New Set of Lungs, their first EP, in 2002, and then released their critically acclaimed record, Cryonics, the Fair Trades & Farewells EP, and their latest record, Risk Revival, all on Level Plane records, except for Risk Revival released on Equal Vision records.
Gwynfor Evans' surprise win is credited with laying the foundations for Winnie Ewing's victory for the Scottish National Party at the Hamilton by-election, 1967, an event of equal significance for Scottish nationalism.
Among his other works are Puen Pang (1987), about two sisters in love with the same man; Muen and Rid (1994), a true story from Rama IV-era Siam about a woman who petitioned King Mongkut to make equal rights for women; and Tawipob (1990), the first film adaptation of a novel by Thommayanti, about a modern-day socialite who time travels back to Rama V-era Siam and becomes involved in the political and diplomatic intrigue of the day.
In 1987 in Edwards v. Aguillard the Supreme Court heard a case concerning a Louisiana Law that required "creation science" be taught on an equal basis with evolution in public schools.
DFFITS is very similar to the externally Studentized residual, and is in fact equal to the latter times .
The quotation, which spread by email and social networks, includes a photograph of Barton and an extract from a speech which argues for equal treatment of immigrants conditional on their cultural assimilation, the loyalty to the Flag of Australia and the exclusive adoption of the English language in Australia.
The musicologist Colin Eatock writes that the term "English musical renaissance" carries "the implicit proposition that British music had raised itself to a stature equal to the best the continent had to offer"; among the continental composers of the period were Brahms, Tchaikovsky, Dvořák, Fauré, Bruckner, Mahler and Puccini.
During this period, he finished second equal at the Essent tournament, was co-winner of the strong Karabakh 'B' tournament and scored well at the Wijk aan Zee Corus 'C' tourney, earning an upgrade to the 'B' tournament in 2006.
Other philosophers, such as Thomas Hobbes and David Gauthier, have argued that the conflicts which arise when people each pursue their own ends can be resolved for the best of each individual only if they all voluntarily forgo some of their aims — that is, one's self-interest is often best pursued by allowing others to pursue their self-interest as well so that liberty is equal among individuals.
As the land he travelled through was mostly treeless, and covered in dense swards of Kangaroo grass (Themeda triandra), it was, he wrote, "Land of the best description, equal to any in the world... the most beautiful sheep pasturage I ever saw in my life."
He treated with equal eclecticism religious subjects such as Saint John the Evangelist (placed on the first story of the tower of Saint-Jacques in Paris during its 1852 restoration) and modern themes, such as the 1854 Maritime Victory on the pont d'Austerlitz.
He shared the honor with season-long co-driver Ricardo Gonzalez and Genoa Racing's Eric Lux, who ended up on equal points to the CORE autosport duo.
two strings (or other iterable objects) of equal length, by creating a sequence of Boolean values indicating mismatches and matches between corresponding positions in the two inputs, and then summing the sequence with False and True values being interpreted as zero and one.
Poet, printmaker, and a teacher without equal, Henri Focillon formed generations of art historians including George Kubler.
M.J. Rosenberg, writing in the Los Angeles Times, argued that the term "delegitimization" is a "distraction", whose purpose is to divert attention away from world opposition to the "illegitimate" occupation of the West Bank and blockade of the Gaza Strip, from the "illegal" settlements, and from "the ever-louder calls for Israel to grant Palestinians equal rights".
The idea for No Mean City was inspired by Toronto architecture historian, Eric Arthur's book of the same name - which also accounts for why all the songs devote equal attention to their characters' surrounding architecture.
1 kJ·mol−1 is equal to 0.239 eV per particle.
It replaced the Congolese franc at par and was consequently initially equal to the Belgian franc.
This ranks him fifth among German long jumpers, behind Lutz Dombrowski, Frank Paschek, Josef Schwarz and Henry Lauterbach and equal to Marco Delonge.
The South German Currency Union of 1837 used a system of 60 Kreuzer = 1 Gulden and 1¾ Gulden = 1 Thaler, with the Kreuzer equal to the old Kreuzer Landmünze.
8. Xiyawu 奚牙勿 ; six Tele tribes in the confederation, Boke, Hun, Bayyrku, Tongren, Syge, and Kibir, had an equal status with the Uigurs; the reduced Basmils numbered eight tribes, and Karluks had three tribes calld Uch-Karkuk (Three Karkuks).
The film was an attempt to create a French franchise equal to James Bond, and the film From Russia with Love is referenced within the film that features the film's female lead Daniela Bianchi.
The less-than sign plus the equals sign (<=) is used for an approximation of the less-than-or-equal-to sign (≤).
He was equal first in four editions of the very strong Cappelle-la-Grande Open: 1989, 1990, 1995 and 1997.
When the connections are time-independent rate constants, the master equation represents a kinetic scheme, and the process is Markovian (any jumping time probability density function for state i is an exponential, with a rate equal to the value of the connection).
Chief Justice Earl Warren delivered the ruling of the Supreme Court: “We conclude that in the field of public education the doctrine of ‘separate but equal’ has no place. Separate educational facilities are inherently unequal.”
Throughout his career, Heinen has split his playing time in relatively equal amounts between the PGA Tour and the Nationwide Tour.
As a great warrior, his service was equal to his contemporaries, Bhai Bachittar Singh Minhas, Bhai Jaita and Bhai Sangat Singh Minhas, Mai Bhago.
One Drop Foundation, a non-profit organization that advocates for equal access to water
A train route can involve multiple timetable numbers; an equal train service number indicates that columns in two tables refer to the same train.
On May 9, 2013, Castro shot a 63 on the opening day of The Players Championship to equal the course record set by Fred Couples (1992) and Greg Norman (1994).
he missed rest of the state matches since round 21 and his goals stood at 5, ranked as the equal fourth among teammate (along with Vaguinho).
White Southern Republicans included formerly closeted Southern abolitionists as well as former slaveowners who supported equal rights for freedmen.
If V is finite dimensional with a given basis, this is equivalent to the condition that the matrix of A is Hermitian, i.e., equal to its conjugate transpose A*.
Liu Bei's treatment towards Sun Qian was second to that of Mi Zhu, but equal to that of Jian Yong and others.
A move by South Africa's apartheid government to make the white, colonial language Afrikaans an equal mandatory language of education for all South Africans in conjunction with English was extremely unpopular with black, Bantu and English-speaking South African students.
A unidentified newspaper reference (found in the collections of the American Antiquarian Society) at the time suggests that Coverly “kept a poet, or ready writer, who manufactured for him all prose and verse articles which were called for by the occasions of the time.” This author, Mr. Nathaniel Hill Wright, was described as “a comical genius, who could do the grave or the gay, as necessity demanded, and with equal facility.”
The torque effect experienced in helicopters and single propeller-powered aircraft is a result of Isaac Newton's third law of motion that "for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction"
An agreement to provide equal funding between the governments of Louisville, Jefferson County, and the Commonwealth of Kentucky led to the creation of the Waterfront Development Corporation.
In the Western tradition, a similar approach was proposed by Leslie White, though White developed it in a different direction and did not propose a comprehensive structure of human culture encompassing physical, material and spiritual as equal components.
Danseker and the English pirate John Ward were the two most prominent renegades operating in the Barbary coast during the early 17th century, both of whom were said to command squadrons in Algiers and Tunis equal to their European counterparts, and represented a formidable naval power as allies (much like Aruj and Hayreddin Barbarossa the previous century).