
unusual facts about equation


Aidchild operates the Equation Gallery, an art gallery and café on the Equator line in Uganda; Ten Tables, a restaurant and screening room in Masaka, and Aidchild's Terrace Club, a rooftop barbecue venue and boutique hostel.

Lonely Planet calls Aidchild's Equation Café “first class,” and Oscar winner Emma Thompson says it is “possibly the best shop on the planet”.

Balance equation

For a discrete time Markov chain with transition matrix P and equilibrium distribution \pi the global balance equation is

Berlin Packaging

Berlin was profiled in The Human Equation, by Jeffrey Pfeffer, Professional of Organizational Behavior at the Stanford Graduate School of Business.

Bhaiyyaji Superhitt

It was more of a personal and emotional commitment rather than just professional since they shared a great equation during the making of Right Yaaa Wrong (2010).

Cnoidal wave

The cnoidal wave solutions were derived by Korteweg and de Vries, in their 1895 paper in which they also propose their dispersive long-wave equation, now known as the Korteweg–de Vries equation.

Cooperative binding

Linus Pauling reinterpreted the equation provided by Adair, assuming that his constants were the combination of the binding constant for the ligand (K in the equation below) and energy coming from the interaction between subunits of the cooperative protein (\alpha below).

Davidon–Fletcher–Powell formula

The Davidon–Fletcher–Powell formula (or DFP; named after William C. Davidon, Roger Fletcher, and Michael J. D. Powell) finds the solution to the secant equation that is closest to the current estimate and satisfies the curvature condition (see below).

Dedham, Essex

Osborne Reynolds, (1842-1912), engineer and physicist, who developed the understanding of electricity, magnetism, and fluid flow (part of the equation for determining the change between 'streamline' and 'turbulent' flow is still called a 'Reynold's Number'), was the son of a headmaster of Dedham Grammar School.


Eikonal equation, a non-linear partial differential equation encountered in problems of wave propagation.

Exact solutions in general relativity

With sufficiently clever assumptions of this sort, it is often possible to reduce the Einstein field equation to a much simpler system of equations, even a single partial differential equation (as happens in the case of stationary axisymmetric vacuum solutions, which are characterized by the Ernst equation) or a system of ordinary differential equations (as happens in the case of the Schwarzschild vacuum).

Global meteoric water line

The Global Meteoric Water Line is an equation defined by the geochemist Harmon Craig

Glossary of arithmetic and Diophantine geometry

:The abc conjecture of Masser and Oesterlé attempts to state as much as possible about repeated prime factors in an equation a + b = c.

Harris–Benedict equation

The Harris–Benedict equation sprang from a study by James Arthur Harris and Francis Gano Benedict, which was published in 1919 by the Carnegie Institution of Washington in the monograph “A Biometric Study Of Basal Metabolism In Man”.

Hydrogen atom

The solution of the Schrödinger equation (wave equations) for the hydrogen atom uses the fact that the Coulomb potential produced by the nucleus is isotropic (it is radially symmetric in space and only depends on the distance to the nucleus).

Ince equation

In mathematics, the Ince equation, named for Edward Lindsay Ince, is the differential equation

Jacobi–Madden equation

Noam Elkies was first to find an infinite series of solutions to Euler's equation with exactly one variable equal to zero, thus disproving Euler's sum of powers conjecture for the fourth power.

Jerry L. Bona

Bona received his PhD in 1971 from Harvard University under supervision of Garrett Birkhoff and worked from 1970 to 1972 at the Fluid Mechanics Research Institute University of Essex, where along with Brooke Benjamin and J. J. Mahony, he published on Model Equations for Long Waves in Non-linear Dispersive Systems, known as Benjamin–Bona–Mahony equation.

Kardar–Parisi–Zhang equation

By use of renormalization group techniques it has been conjectured that the KPZ equation is the field theory of many surface growth models, such as the Eden model, ballistic deposition, and the SOS model.

Kirchhoff's diffraction formula

If all the terms in f(x', y) can be neglected except for the terms in x and y, we have the Fraunhofer diffraction equation.

Lorentz–Lorenz equation

The Lorentz–Lorenz equation is named after the Danish mathematician and scientist Ludvig Lorenz, who published it in 1869, and the Dutch physicist Hendrik Lorentz, who discovered it independently in 1878.

Ludwig Boltzmann

Finally, in the 1970s E.G.D. Cohen and J.R. Dorfman proved that a systematic (power series) extension of the Boltzmann equation to high densities is mathematically impossible.

Mason–Weaver equation

The Mason–Weaver equation (named after Max Mason and Warren Weaver) describes the sedimentation and diffusion of solutes under a uniform force, usually a gravitational field.

Master equation

When the connections are time-independent rate constants, the master equation represents a kinetic scheme, and the process is Markovian (any jumping time probability density function for state i is an exponential, with a rate equal to the value of the connection).

Methods of computing square roots

Pell's equation (also known as Brahmagupta equation since he was the first to give a solution to this particular equation) and its variants yield a method for efficiently finding continued fraction convergents of square roots of integers.

NACA Technical Note No. 1341

NACA Technical Note No. 1341 - A Simplified Method of Elastic-Stability Analysis for Thin Cylindrical Shells, I - Donnell's Equation was issued by the United States National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics in June 1947.

Oseen equations

Using the Oseen equation, Horace Lamb was able to derive improved expressions for the viscous flow around a sphere in 1911, improving on Stokes law towards somewhat higher Reynolds numbers.


Painlevé transcendents/property, Ordinary differential equation solutions discovered by Paul Painlevé.


An equation which holds in a frame containing pseudotensors will not necessarily hold in a different frame; this makes pseudotensors of limited relevance because equations in which they appear are not invariant in form.


Redlich–Kwong equation of state, equation in thermodynamics developed by Otto Redlich

Riemann–Silberstein vector

According to lectures published by Heinrich Martin Weber in 1901, the real and imaginary components of the equation

Riemann's differential equation

In mathematics, Riemann's differential equation, named after Bernhard Riemann, is a generalization of the hypergeometric differential equation, allowing the regular singular points to occur anywhere on the Riemann sphere, rather than merely at 0, 1, and ∞.

Rodney Baxter

His use of the Yang-Baxter equation led to the formulation and the study of representations of the quantum group by Vladimir Drinfeld in the 1980s, and quantum generalizations of affine algebras, and they are quasi-triangular Hopf algebras which yield solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation and provide insight into the properties of corresponding statistical models.

Rosser's equation

In economics, Rosser's equation (named after J. Barkley Rosser, Jr.) calculates future US Social Security Administration Trust Fund balances and payments as the ratio of benefit payments in real terms for a given income level to be received the year after the Trust Fund would be exhausted, to those of the same income level for an initial year.

Sackur–Tetrode equation

The physical chemist Arieh Ben-Naim rederived the Sackur–Tetrode equation for entropy in terms of information theory, and in doing so he tied in well known concepts from modern physics.

Scalar theories of gravitation

Scalar theories of gravitation are field theories of gravitation in which the gravitational field is described using a scalar field, which is required to satisfy some field equation.

Seki Takakazu

Chinese algebra discovered numerical evaluation (Horner's method, re-established by William George Horner in the 19th century) of arbitrary degree algebraic equation with real coefficients.

Squeeze mapping

Furthermore, Wolfgang Rindler, in his popular textbook on relativity, used the squeeze mapping form of Lorentz transformations in his demonstration of their characteristic property (see equation 29.5 on page 45 of the 1969 edition, or equation 2.17 on page 37 of the 1977 edition, or equation 2.16 on page 52 of the 2001 edition).

Stacking factor

From this equation one can also calculate the stacking factor through algebraic manipulation given that the effective area is known.

The Snob

Snob, a person who believes in the existence of an equation between status and human worth

Track transition curve

Several late-19th century civil engineers seem to have derived the equation for this curve independently (all unaware of the original characterization of this curve by Leonhard Euler in 1744).

Tree of primitive Pythagorean triples

For instance, the matrix D = CB moves one out the tree by two nodes (across, then down) in a single step; the characteristic equation of D provides the pattern for the third-order dynamics of any of a, b, or c in the non-exhaustive tree formed by D.

Vibrations of a circular membrane

Going back to the equation for R(r), its solution is a linear combination of Bessel functions J m and Y m.

Victor Henri

In a seminal paper in 1913, Michaelis and Menten derived the equation in more detail and interpreted it more profoundly.

Vlasov equation

The Vlasov equation is a differential equation describing time evolution of the distribution function of plasma consisting of charged particles with long-range (for example, Coulomb) interaction.

Walter Heitler

At Dublin, Heitler's work with H. W. Peng on radiation damping theory and the meson scattering process resulted in the Heitler-Peng integral equation.

Wien's law

Wien approximation, an equation used to describe the short-wavelength (high frequency) spectrum of thermal radiation

Wind turbine aerodynamics

Buckingham π theorem can be applied to show that non-dimensional variable for power is given by the equation below.

see also