
unusual facts about eschatology

Ahmed Bican Yazıcıoğlu

The author concludes with a chapter about the terrors that await us at the end of the world, including the islamic Antichrist: the Dajjal.

Hal Lindsey

Lindsey's earlier predictions all assumed that the Cold War would continue indefinitely, and had eschatological significance; he explicitly identified Russia with the apocalyptic figure of Gog.

Letty M. Russell

In an introduction to a Festschrift published in Russell's honor in 1999 under the title Liberating Eschatology, fellow Yale Divinity School theologians Margaret Farley and Serene Jones called Russell's influence on contemporary theology "monumental" and wrote of her "uncanny ability to articulate a vision of the church that is radical in its feminist-liberationist critique but that nonetheless remains anchored in the historic traditions and communities of the Christian church."

Orthodox Presbyterian Church

However, a significant faction of the OPC, led by Carl McIntire, and including other men such as J. Oliver Buswell and Allan MacRae held to such things as total abstinence from alcohol and Premillennialist eschatology (positions held by a number of respected leaders throughout the history of American Presbyterianism).

Robert E. Lerner

Lerner has specialised in medieval heresy and millennial eschatology, as well as writing on a variety of topics in medieval religious and intellectual history.

Steven Aguzzi

Aguzzi's primary contribution to systematic theology has been his utilization of Patristic Millennialism as a Christian eschatology that provides a way beyond Replacement theology.

Thomas F. Torrance

This integration of doctrine began for Torrance with the Nicene homoousion (the fact that the eternal Son was and is one in being with the Father and Spirit in eternity and with us by virtue of the incarnation), and included the doctrines of the Trinity, Creation, Incarnation, Atonement, Eschatology, Pneumatology, the Church and the Sacraments as well as a theology of ordained Ministry.

Three Days of Darkness

The Three Days of Darkness is an eschatological prophecy (based on private revelation) within Roman Catholicism which parallels the Ten Plagues against Egypt in Exodus.

see also