
unusual facts about Christian eschatology

Robert E. Lerner

Lerner has specialised in medieval heresy and millennial eschatology, as well as writing on a variety of topics in medieval religious and intellectual history.

New Jerusalem

John of Patmos describes the New Jerusalem in the Book of Revelation in the Christian Bible, and so the New Jerusalem holds an important place in Christian eschatology and Christian mysticism, and has also influenced Christian philosophy and Christian theology.

Rapture Ready

Rapture Ready's stated purposes include warning those non-Christians who, according to the Pre-tribulation system of Evangelical Christian eschatology, will be left behind after the rapture to repent of their sins and turn to God.

see also

Steven Aguzzi

Aguzzi's primary contribution to systematic theology has been his utilization of Patristic Millennialism as a Christian eschatology that provides a way beyond Replacement theology.