Addison was named by the first settlers along the Pleasant River, after British essayist and poet Joseph Addison, who lived from 1672 to 1719.
Alexis Nour (1877–1940), a Bessarabian-born Romanian journalist, activist and essayist
On March 18, 2008, he was included in the panel for the Man Booker International Prize 2008, alongside writer Jane Smiley and essayist Andrey Kurkov.
António Duarte Arnault, GOL (born 1936 in Cumieira, Penela, Portugal) is a Portuguese poet, fiction writer, essayist, lawyer, and politician.
Antonio Rodríguez Salvador (born 1960), poet, fiction writer, dramatist and essayist
Arthur Calder-Marshall (1908–1992), British novelist, essayist, memoirist and biographer
Peter Courtney Quennell (1905-1993), biographer, literary historian, editor, essayist, poet, and critic.
The house was generally occupied by junior members of the Boughton family and was sold by Edward Boughton in 1711 to the essayist and poet Joseph Addison, who wrote his book Evidences of Christianity while living there.
Léon Bloy (1846–1917), French novelist, essayist, pamphleteer and poet
Charles Lamb (10 February 1775 – 27 December 1834) was an English essayist, best known for his Essays of Elia and for the children's book Tales from Shakespeare, which he produced with his sister, Mary Lamb (1764–1847).
Daniel Alexander Jones (born 1970), American performance artist, playwright, director, essayist and educator
Will Johnston has called Reich "a flowering of Hungarian improvisation" and "an unduly neglected English-language essayist".
Émile Bergerat (29 April 1845, Paris - 13 October 1923, Neuilly-sur-Seine) was a French poet, playwright and essayist.
Adolf Endler (1930–2009), German lyric poet, essayist and prose author
Étiemble (René Ernest Joseph Eugène Étiemble, Chinese name:安田樸), born 26 January 1909, Mayenne, Mayenne, died 7 January 2002, Vigny) was an essayist, scholar, novelist, and promoter of Middle Eastern and Asian cultures.
Étienne-Jean-Baptiste-Pierre-Ignace Pivert de Senancour (Paris, 16 November 1770 – Saint-Cloud, 10 January 1846), was a French essayist and philosopher, remembered primarily for his epistolary novel Obermann.
Fatma Aliye Topuz (9 October 1862 - 13 July 1936), aka simply Fatma Aliye or Fatma Aliye Hanım, was a Turkish novelist, columnist, essayist, women's rights activist and humanitarian.
The poetic prose that opens and closes the film was written by German author, playwright, and essayist Rainald Goetz.
Frances Itani (born 1942), Canadian fiction writer, poet and essayist
Izet Sarajlić (1930–2002), Bosnian poet, historian of philosophy, essayist and translator.
José Eduardo Franco (born 1969), Portuguese historian, journalist, poet and essayist
Julio Escoto, born San Pedro Sula, February 28, 1944, is a Honduran short-story teller, novelist and essayist.
Enrique Krauze (born 1947), Mexican historian, essayist and publisher
Léo Lévesque is a Québécois poet, essayist, and writer born in Montréal.
Lucette Finas (born 1921), French author and essayist, part of the structuralist movement
David Mamet, an American playwright, essayist, screenwriter, and film director
Milivoj Solar, a Croatian literary theoretician, literary historian, essayist and a university professor
A critical label introduced by essayist Philip Wylie in his 1942 collection A Generation of Vipers, referring to a perceived American cult of motherhood;
Paul Alfred Kwesi Aboagye (5 January 1925 - 19 June 2001) was a Ghanaian poet, essayist, novelist, and historian of the Nzema language.
Other notable poets include Vince Gotera, editor of North American Review; Marian Haddad; Edward Byrne, well known for his "One Poet's Notes" blog; Olga Samples Davis; Wendy Barker, winner of two Violet Crown awards from the Texas League of Writers; Gwyn McVay; award-winning poet, essayist and dramatist David Brendan Hopes; Cyra S. Dumitru; Colin Morton, award-winning Canadian poet; Bonnie Lyons; and Joel Peckham.
Krzysztof Pomian (born 1934), a Polish philosopher, historian and essayist
Rafael Barrett, complete name Rafael Ángel Jorge Julián Barrett y Álvarez de Toledo, (Torrelavega, Spain, January 7, 1876 – Arcachon, France, December 17, 1910) was a Spanish writer, narrator, essayist and journalist, who developed most of his literary production in Paraguay, becoming an important figure of the Paraguayan literature during the twentieth century.
Besides, he was en engaged liberal writer and essayist, and translated the novelist Giovanni Verga from the Italian into German.
Vicente Riva Palacio (1832–1896), Mexican politician, essayist, novelist and historian
The book was reviewed in Publishers Weekly: "The pilgrims' route to the cathedral in Santiago de Compostela in northern Spain has long been a favorite subject of travel writers, but few have covered it as entertainingly, quirkily and, finally, movingly as Dutch essayist Nooteboom (The Following Story)."
Robert Marteau (February 8, 1925 Virollet, Poitou – May 16, 2011 Paris) was a French poet, novelist, translator, essayist, diarist.
Raúl Scalabrini Ortiz, an Argentine writer, journalist, essayist and poet
Doris Grumbach, novelist, biographer, literary critic and essayist
Tripuraneni Gopichand (1910–1962), Telugu short story writer, novelist, editor, essayist, playwright and film director
Simone de Beauvoir (1908–1986) - Philosopher, novelist, épistolière, mémorialiste and essayist.
Mario Vargas Llosa, born in 1936, is a novelist, journalist, politician and essayist, winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature 2010.
Varujan Vosganian (born 1958), Romanian politician, economist, essayist and poet
(Vladimiro) Ariel Dorfman (born 1942), a Chilean novelist, playwright, essayist, academic, and human rights activist
Educated in Warsaw and Cambridge, England, a poet, literary critic and essayist for various Polish émigré newspapers in Canada and abroad.
William Ospina (2 March 1954) is a Colombian poet, essayist and novelist.
William Johnson Temple (1739–1796) English cleric and essayist, a correspondent of James Boswell
Alexandru Dimitrie Xenopol (1847 - 1920), Romanian scholar, essayist, historic, member of the Romanian Academy, brother of the second, or
Review of the 21st Century Chinese Culture, issued under Zhu Dake and Zhang Hong’s (张闳, culture critic and essayist) general editorship and published by Guangxi Normal University Press from 2003 to 2008, is an annual presentation of the cultural achievement of China Mainland.