
unusual facts about evacuation

Vacuum filler

Pre-evacuated cells of a vane cell feed system move underneath the hopper.

1970 Atlantic hurricane season

Impact was severest in Cuba, where flash flooding caused seven fatalities, destroyed several homes, forced the evacuation of 3,000 people in Oriente Province, and resulted in a shutdown of 16 sugar mills.

2007–08 Australian region cyclone season

The Rabaraba district in Milne Bay Province was also hit by flooding, with 30 houses and food gardens washed away, and forcing the evacuation of about 100 people.

Area of responsibility

Communication zone, the rear part of the theater of war or theater of operations (behind but contiguous to the combat zone) that contains lines of communications, establishments for supply or evacuation, and other agencies required for the immediate support and maintenance of the field forces.

August 1926 Air Union Blériot 155 crash

The local doctor attended and assisted in the evacuation of the injured from the scene.

Basque Auxiliary Navy

They also played a key role in the evacuation of civilians who fled as the rebel armies advanced from coastal cities such as Gijón and Santander.

Bedford Magazine Explosion

Halifax, having been previously devastated by the Halifax Explosion, had emergency plans in place for such an incident, leading to an orderly and widespread evacuation of Halifax's northern half.

Château d'Arc-en-Barrois

During World War I the château became the Hôpital Temporaire d'Arc-en-Barrois, an emergency evacuation hospital for injured soldiers from the French 3rd Army Corps.

Chen Chwen-jing

Commenting on the criticism on the slow evacuation during the discovery of explosive device inside Taiwan High Speed Rail on 12 April 2013, speaking at Legislative Yuan in mid April 2013, Chen responded that the MOTC will review evacuation measures for Taiwan railways systems.

China Marines

Neal Stephenson's book Cryptonomicon contains descriptions of the exploits of the China Marines in World War II and the book opens with the evacuation of Shanghai in 1941.

Crimea State Medical University named after S. I. Georgievsky

In the time of the German invasion of the Soviet Union, the University continued working in evacuation (at first in Armavir, then in Jambul, Orjonikidze, Baku, Krasnovodsk, Kyzylorda).

Dermot Boyle

He served in World War II initially as a staff officer with the Advanced Air Striking Force in Reims in which capacity he organised the evacuation of the Force through Brest in May 1940.

Dulwich College Preparatory School

In 1938 headmaster John Leakey established an evacuation camp in the orchard on his father-in-law's land at Coursehorn, near Cranbrook, Kent, where the affiliated Dulwich Preparatory School still is today.

Earth 2150

The objective of the game is to collect enough resources to build an Evacuation Ship, allowing the player's people to journey to Mars and escape the looming apocalypse - foreshadowing Earth 2160.

EML Kalev

Kalev’s ultimate fate or the location of the wreck was unknown for a long time (it was usually assumed that she hit a mine and sunk off Keri in the Gulf of Finland between Tallinn and Helsinki, but she could have been anywhere between Kronstadt and Hanko; some sources suggested she was scuttled in the Tallinn Bay during the Soviet evacuation on 28 August 1941).

George McMillin

Upon receiving this news and the beginning of United States involvement in World War II, McMillin ordered the evacuation of various civilian populations, the jailing of all Japanese nationals on the island, and churches, banks, and schools closed.

George Yuzawa

The hearings in turn helped shape the Civil Liberties Act of 1988 in which President Ronald Reagan and the U.S. Congress apologized for World War II evacuation and internment of Japanese American citizens and permanent residents, authorized the payment of $20,000 to each evacuee who was still alive, and allocated $50 million for a public education fund.


According to Albert Speer, the Berlin Philharmonic's last performance before their evacuation from Berlin at the end of World War II was of Brünnhilde's Immolation Scene at the end of the opera.

Gregory T. Baldwin

From 2006 to 2009 he supported aeromedical evacuation operations for Operations Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom at the Theater Patient Movement Requirements Center, Europe at Ramstein Air Base, Germany.

Harbin/CHDRI Z-6

Fear of an attack by the USSR, after the Sino-Soviet border conflict, precipitated evacuation of production and development to the Changzhou Airplane Factory and Changhe Aircraft Industries Corporation in 1970.

HMAS Kapunda

Following the war, Kapunda was used to assist the evacuation of Allied prisoners-of-war from Kuching, and was the venue for the signing of the surrender of Japanese forces in the Kuching area, with Major General Yamamura signing the instrument of surrender on board.


The detachment then conducted a non-combatant evacuation (NEO) in Sierra Leone as part of HMM-261(Rein) which was named Operation Noble Obelisk.


Strategically located on the River Brede, it was a prime target in the Norman invasion of 1066 (some 700 years later, evacuation plans were prepared in case of an invasion by Napoleon).

Japanese minelayer Yaeyama

Yaeyama covered the landing of Japanese Special Naval Landing Forces (SNLF) reinforcements in the Battle of Shanghai, and participated in the evacuation of 20,000 Japanese civilians and non-combatants from the city back to Japan.

Jesse Samek

The helicopter was performing a medical evacuation of an Afghan election official who was accidentally shot by a guard 105 miles east of Shindand, and northwest of Kandahar.

Joaquim Nadal i Farreras

Nadal presided the Department of Territorial Policy and Public Works in 2005 during the crisis of El Carmel, when construction work to lengthen Barcelona Metro line 5 caused a building to collapse and forced the evacuation of 84 other buildings.

John Gallishaw

He took part in the evacuation of Gallipoli where he was wounded and eventually he was demobilised.

Jose de Mazarredo y Salazar

During those months Don Mazarredo, who had relieved Lángara did several operations in the Mediterranean Sea, one of them was the evacuation of soldiers and civilians from Roses, a city in the Catalan coast that was being besieged by the French.

Karl Heinz Schnell

Indeed it was only on the day the unit transferred to airfields at Ghent, on 29 September, against the British evacuation at Dunkirk, that Schnell got his first victory - an RAF Spitfire.

Kirk Caldwell

Caldwell served as the acting mayor of Honolulu, Hawaii's capital and largest city, during the tsunami evacuation in the absence of Mayor Mufi Hannemann following the 2010 Chile earthquake.

Mohammad Barakeh

In February 2005, Barakeh was threatened by Kahanist activist (and now-outlawed Kach party leader) Baruch Marzel over his pivotal support for Ariel Sharon's evacuation compensation bill, a move that paved the way for Israel's unilateral disengagement from the Gaza Strip and northern West Bank.

New Jersey Route 66

The need for this widening is due to the need to handle traffic going to Asbury Park in the summer months as well as an evacuation route for the coastal regions of Monmouth County, and the poor design of the current roadway, which lacks turning lanes and facilities for bicycles and pedestrians.

Operation Caravan

Captain Timpson's jeep had rushed up a razor-back sand-dune and capsized over the top, forcing the evacuation of Timpson and his driver, Guardsman Thomas Wann, by a Lockheed Hudson.

Queen Alliquippa

After the British defeat at the Battle of the Great Meadows and the evacuation of Fort Necessity, Alliquippa moved her band to the Aughwick Valley of Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania for safety.

RBI Bhopal

Following the 9/11 attacks in New York in 2001, RBI Bhopal requested the Disaster Management Institute to conduct evacuation drills for high rise buildings.

Rick Weiland

In 1997, as Weiland was being installed as regional director of FEMA, the Red River swamped its banks, causing unprecedented flooding to North Dakota and Minnesota, inundating all of downtown Fargo and causing the evacuation of Grand Forks, North Dakota in an event known as the Red River Flood.

Royal Voluntary Service

When troops returned to ports after the evacuation at Dunkirk, members of the WVS were there to greet them and hand out food, drink and warm clothing.

Samuel B. Booth

He was rector of St. Luke's Church, Kensington, Philadelphia (1914-1918), chaplain to an American Red Cross evacuation hospital in France, and superintendent of missions, Bucks County, Pennsylvania before consecration as bishop coadjutor of Vermont on February 17, 1925.

Small Heath, Birmingham

The fall of France had not been anticipated in Government planning and the encirclement of a large part of the British Expeditionary Force into the Dunkirk pocket resulted in a hasty evacuation of that part of the B.E.F following the abandonment of their equipment.

Special Allied Airborne Reconnaissance Force

In February 1945, when the defeat of Germany appeared imminent, the Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force (SHAEF) was provided with a mandate for dispatching troops whose mission would be to secure the safety of Allied Prisoners Of War and to provide for their early evacuation.

Stoke Military Hospital

At this time Devonport High School for Boys returned from wartime evacuation and took over the buildings.

Tamara Johansen

First Lieutenant Tamara Johansen, USAF (also known as T.J.) is a fictional character in the Canadian-American Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer-Syfy television series Stargate Universe, a military science fiction serial drama about the adventures of a present-day, multinational exploration team unable to return to Earth after an evacuation to the Ancient spaceship Destiny, which is travelling in a distant corner of the universe.

Tatsinskaya Airfield

The airfield was under threat of being taken by the Soviet Red Army but Hermann Göring forbade its evacuation, despite request from Major General Fiebig, who was in charge of the air supply for Stalingrad.

Thomas Geve

He stayed in Auschwitz till its evacuation in January 1945, after which he still survived the death march, Gross-Rosen concentration camp and Buchenwald concentration camp before the latter was self-liberated by the inmates in April 1945.

Times Beach, Missouri

Subsequent research on the effects of dioxin on humans and other mammals has led some experts to question whether the evacuation of the town was necessary, sometimes citing the example of Seveso, Italy, the site of a disaster in 1976 that exposed residents to larger levels of dioxin than those of Times Beach and whose subsequent cleanup allowed the city to continue to exist.


During the deployment, the main body of the 22nd MEU participated in two major operations: Operation Guardian Retrieval, operating out of Brazzaville, Congo; and Operation Noble Obelisk, in Freetown, Sierra Leone, which resulted in the evacuation of more than 2,500 American citizens and foreign nationals.


During the deployment, the Blue Knights supported Operation Decisive Endeavor in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Operation Silver Wake, the Non-combatant Evacuation of the American Embassy in Tirana, Albania.

William Dyess

Dyess also supervised the evacuation of Philippine Army Colonel Carlos Romulo, a close friend of General Douglas MacArthur who would survive the war and would later serve as President of the United Nations General Assembly.

Zvi Malnovitzer

The following year, Malnovitzer painted “Exodus” (2007), depicting the disengagement from the Gaza Strip, the unilateral evacuation of 21 civilian Jewish settlements.

see also