
unusual facts about expanded universe


The Empire's homeworld first appeared in the Expanded Universe and was called "Coruscant" for the first time in Timothy Zahn's Heir to the Empire.

Paige Matthews

In addition to the television series, the character has also appeared in numerous expanded universe material, such as the Charmed novels and its comic book adaptation.

Star Wars Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II

The player once more takes control of Kyle Katarn, but later in the game is given control of Mara Jade, one of the most popular Star Wars Expanded Universe characters.

Star Wars Legacy: Indomitable

This is a continuing side-story of the last of the Galactic Alliance's armed forces trying to survive in the Sith dominated New Galactic Empire by acquiring a new and powerful Star Destroyer from the massive shipyards of the Mon Calamari's homeworld of Dac which is under Imperial control.

see also

Mark Brandis

This expanded universe series was cut short when von Michalewsky died at Grasberg shortly after Christmas 2000, leaving the second novel, Negativer Sektor, unfinished.