
2 unusual facts about fast track


The FDA granted entolimod both Fast Track and Orphan Drug status for reducing the risk of death following a potentially lethal dose of total body irradiation during or after a radiation disaster.

Glembatumumab vedotin

In May 2010, the U.S FDA granted Fast Track designation to CDX-011 for the treatment of advanced, refractory or resistant GPNMB-expressing breast cancer.

Panama–United States Trade Promotion Agreement

In the 112th U.S. Congress, the ascendancy of the Republican Party in the House of Representative led to new pressures to approve all three pending fast track

Priority review voucher

Priority review should not, however, be confused with accelerated approval or fast track.

see also

A Leela of Her Own

Leela is on the fast track to becoming the worst blernsball player ever and seeks help to prevent that by enlisting Hank Aaron XXIV, a distant relative of Hank Aaron, who is currently the worst blernsball player of all time.

Alabama State Route 160

That death spurred the formation of an organization for the purpose of holding Governor Bob Riley and the State Of Alabama accountable for a campaign promise made by Riley in April, 2006 to fast-track construction work to make State Highway 160.

American Board for Certification of Teacher Excellence

In October 2003, U.S. Education Secretary Rod Paige announced the American Board would receive a $35 million grant from the U.S. Department of Education for its continued development of a fast-track route into the teaching profession.

Carmen Laura García

She represented Spain in Miss World 2009 and was unplaced although she was Top 22 in the fast track Miss World Talent.

Electricity provider switching

This effort was supported by Texas Governor Rick Perry who put the proposed plants on a "fast track" process for permits in an effort to be grandfathered in under more lenient EPA pollution rules.


To fast track the asset management business he hired William Lawton as CEO of the new asset management company.

Fast Track English

Fast Track English was a German educational television series produced by WDR, teaching English as a foreign or second language to German viewers.

Michigan State Fair

On April 9, 2012, Governor Rick Snyder signed Senate Bill 515 and House Bill 4803, which would authorize the transfer of the fairgrounds land to the Land Bank Fast Track Authority, which would oversee the land for future development, including plans for a station for the proposed commuter rail service.

Northrop BQM-74 Chukar

The 4468th moved on a fast track, with trucks modified and obtained from a California commercial trucking firm, tool kits purchased from Sears, and field gear bought from war surplus stores.

Rosarita Tawil

She was between the Finalists of The Miss World Beach Beauty event that took place at The Beverly Hills Hotel in Durban, South Africa and she was between the 32 Top Model semi-finalists in Miss World Top Model fast track event .

Ryan Andrews

In 2011 Ryan directed 'Little Munchkin', a dark Christmas fairy tale where an obnoxious middle family fast-track the adoption process of a cannibal child and starring Gwyneth Keyworth, the short was screened at Fright Fest.