
unusual facts about field sports

John Hall-Stevenson

Hall-Stevenson had no love of field sports and spent his time on literature and entertaining his friends.

St. Anne's High School, Bandra

In Fr Trevor's initiatives included vocational guidance and counselling, the Scouts and Guides, and other extra curricular activities like field sports, elocution, dramatics, music and competitions, excursions and camps.

see also

Charles Goodson-Wickes

He served as Chairman of BFFS (British Field Sports Society) from 1994–1997 and was a member of the Public Affairs Committee (1980–1987) and is Vice President of the Great Bustard Group (2008-) which is re-introducing the Great Bustard to Great Britain.

Penalty marker

Penalty flag, a yellow cloth used by game officials in American football, lacrosse, and several other field sports to identify and sometimes mark the location of penalties that occur during regular play.

William Daniel

William Barker Daniel (1754–1833), Church of England clergyman and writer on field sports