
unusual facts about fighter jet

Kronen Zeitung

The newspaper organises regular campaigns and, at the same time, starts or supports referendums on issues such as animal protection, protests against the Czech nuclear power station Temelín, or the purchase of fighter jets by the Austrian government.

New Fighter Aircraft Project

The New Fighter Aircraft Project (NFA) was a Government of Canada defence procurement project undertaken in the late 1970s that saw the Department of National Defence (DND) select a single new fighter jet to replace the fleets of CF-101 Voodoo, CF-104 Starfighter and CF-116 Freedom Fighter aircraft in the Canadian Forces.

see also

2001 in China

April 1 – Hainan Island incident: a mid-air collision between an EP-3E United States Navy spyplane and a People's Liberation Army Navy People's Liberation Army J-8II interceptor fighter jet 70 miles (110 km) away from the PRC-controlled island of Hainan.


Two days after the unveiling ceremony, Mehr News Agency published the top ten features of the fighter jet project.

Steal the Sky

The movie is based on the true story of Iraqi pilot Munir Redfa flying a MiG-21 fighter jet from Iraq to Israel in 1966.

Ticonderoga-class cruiser

The commanding officer of the USS Vincennes, William C. Rogers III, had believed the airliner was an Iranian Air Force F-14 Tomcat fighter jet on an attack vector, based on reports of radar returns, revealed to be misinterpreted.

United Airlines Flight 736

The aircraft assigned to Flight 736, a Douglas DC-7 airliner carrying 47 persons, was flying at cruise altitude above Clark County, Nevada, en route to a stopover at Denver, Colorado, when it was struck by a United States Air Force fighter jet crewed by two pilots.

Zulkiflee Anwar Haque

The clamp-down may have been due to reasons that the book contains 'sensitive' issues such as the Altantuya murder, the conspiracy against Anwar, the prime minister's wife Rosmah, the loss of fighter jet engines, the Scorpene submarine that cannot dive, issues in Sarawak, racism, corruption, waste of public funds, among others.