
unusual facts about fleas


Cat flea

Humans can be bitten, though a long-term population of cat fleas cannot be sustained and infest people.

Cat tapeworm

Dipylidium caninum, a tapeworm often infesting domestic dogs and cats whose intermediate host is parasitic fleas

Cat tapeworms

Dipylidium caninum, a tapeworm often infesting domestic cats whose intermediate host is parasitic fleas

Cindy Duehring

As a result of this contamination or intoxication of an insecticide (against fleas) she eventually developed an Autoimmune disease.

Dipylidium caninum

Examples of fleas that can spread D. caninum include Ctenocephalides canis and Ctenocephalides felis.

Here Comes Garfield

Garfield decides to go home, but when he attempt to warn Jon about Odie, Jon thinks that Garfield is just suffering fleas and Garfield gives up telling Jon, but realizes how boring life is without Odie around, so that night, Garfield decides to rescue Odie.

Meadow vole

Ecto- and endoparasites have been reported to include trematodes, cestodes, nematodes, acanthocephalans, lice (Anoplura), fleas (Siphonaptera), Diptera, and ticks and mites (Acari).


It was 2.50 cm (1 in) long and possibly sucked the blood of pterosaurs in the Cretaceous, in the way that bat fleas feed on bat blood today.


The authors also argue that feral cats act as vectors for diseases that can impact domestic cats, wildlife and humans, examples include feline leukemia virus, feline immunodeficiency virus, fleas and ear mites (which are also carried by canines and wildlife), hookworms, roundworms, Bartonella, Rickettsia, Coxiella and Toxoplasma gondii, and that fecal matter has also been shown to degrade water quality.

see also