
unusual facts about floodplain forests

Evan Siemann

The focus of his research has been investigating how local environmental factors (e.g. enemies, resources, disturbance regime and recruitment limitation) interact with post-invasion adaptation to determine the likelihood and severity of Chinese tallow tree (Sapium sebiferum) invasions into East Texas coastal prairie, mesic forests, and floodplain forests.

see also

Paw Paw River

The watershed includes rare Great Lakes marshes and floodplain forests, which serve as habitats for migratory birds such as the Prothonotary Warbler (commonly known as the Golden Swamp Warbler), as well as the endangered Mitchell Satyr butterfly.

Wildlife of Cambodia

Cambodia supports more than 8000 identified plant species, many of which are endemic to unique local ecosystems, such as the Tonlé Sap floodplain, forests of the Cardamom and Dâmrei Mountains, and higher elevations.