
2 unusual facts about forage

Battle of Washington

Despite the lack of progress against Washington, Hill was accomplishing a vital objective in the form of foraging parties so long as the Federals were pinned down.


Foraging techniques vary between species that coexist which reduces competition; in Namibia, Double-banded Sandgrouse feed slowly and methodically whilst Namaqua Sandgrouse feed rapidly, exploring loose soil with their beaks and flicking it away sideways.


Forage | forage | forage cap |


Young aspen bark is an important seasonal forage for the European hare and other animals in early spring.

Battle of Pease River

The site was long a favorite of the Comanche, providing both cover from the fierce blue northers that hit the plains, and ample forage for their ponies, with easy buffalo hunting from the nearby herds.

Beet pulp

-- What is the other 88.7% ? Article doesn't say--> It has no Vitamin A, so additional forage or supplementation is required to provide complete nutrition.


Bats, such as the gray bat and Mexican free-tailed bat, are trogloxenes and are often found in caves; they forage outside of the caves.

Company quartermaster sergeant

He was also responsible for acquiring fuel, forage for the horses, and straw for bedding for the company.


They usually forage on or near the ground, feeding mainly on seeds such as those of grasses and balsam.

Forage cap

The coloured peaked cap worn by the modern British Army for parade and other dress occasions is known as a forage cap.

In 1902 a new style of forage cap was introduced and named after the then Secretary of State for War, St John Brodrick.


The Lady Amherst's Pheasant (Chrysolophus amherstiae), Green Peafowl (Pavo muticus), Bulwer's Pheasant and the Crestless Fireback (Lophura erythrophthalma) are notable for their aptitude to forage for crustaceans such as crayfish and other aquatic small animals in shallow streams and amongst rushes in much the same manner as some members of the rail family (Rallidae).


The most common plant is a tough variety of grass, but there are many scented and medicinal herbs: sage, feather grass and Xeranthemum, giving a fragrant spring, and during the year providing the best forage for bees.

Northern hogsucker

It prefers clear, fast streams, where it can forage through pebbles for bottom life, especially aquatic insects.

Sidney Peters

Peter was Secretary and Legal Adviser to the Central Council Forage Department for Civil Supplies during the First World War and was Executive Officer, Controlling Department at the Board of Trade.


Trochulus species in moist habitats prefer to forage on large-leaved herbaceous plants like Adenostyles, Urtica (nettles), Homogyne or Tussilago (coltsfoot etc).

Tubutulik River

The watershed is also a habitat for migratory birds, and caribou of the Western Arctic herd forage there.

see also