
unusual facts about forb


Hay, New South Wales

  Saltbush shrublands (Atriplex sp.), with an understorey of grasses and forbs, was the dominant plant community at the time of European settlement.

Prairie restoration

One particular forb, the purple coneflower, is recognized more readily by its scientific name Echinacea purpurea, or just Echinacea, which is used as an herbal remedy for colds.

Trifolium thompsonii

The Artemisia tridentata/Agropyron spicatum association is a drier habitat which includes many forbs such as Allium acuminatum, Agoseris grandiflora, Lomatium nudicaule, and Lupinus sericeus.

Upper Midwest forest-savanna transition

Typical tallgrass prairie vegetation such as grasses, forbs, shrubs, and sedges, increase with an increase in the amount of fire, whereas tree density and basal area decreases.

see also