
unusual facts about fraternities

Chester Adgate Congdon

He had membership with the Kitchi Gammi, Northland Country, Commercial and Duluth Boat Clubs, all of Duluth; the Minnesota Club of St. Paul; the Minneapolis Club of Minneapolis; the University Club of Chicago; the Duquesne Club of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; the Bankers Club of New York; the Commercial Club of North Yakima; and with various college fraternities, including the Upsilon Kappa, Psi Upsilon, Theta Nu Epsilon and Phi Beta Kappa.

Cornell North Campus

EcoHouse is located behind the Africana Library and is near several fraternities, such as Acacia, Kappa Delta Rho, Tau Epsilon Phi, and Alpha Gamma Rho.

History of North American fraternities and sororities

The early 1860s were unsurprisingly uneventful when it comes to fraternities due to the American Civil War.

History of the University of California, Berkeley

The army program took over Bowles Hall, a dormitory, and the naval program took over the International House, the Student Co-op Barrington Hall, and several fraternities for its trainees.

Kettering University

Many North-American Interfraternity Conference (IFC) fraternities have chapters at Kettering as do several National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) sororities.

Mattachine Society

These societies, lifelong secret fraternities of unmarried townsmen who never performed in public unmasked, were dedicated to going out into the countryside and conducting dances and rituals during the Feast of Fools, at the Vernal Equinox.


The Mittelschüler-Kartell-Verband der katholischen farbentragenden Studentenkorporationen Österreichs or simply Mittelschüler-Kartellverband (MKV) is an Austrian umbrella organisation of Catholic male student fraternities (Studentenverbindung).


National American Greek Council, council formed by 12 regional and local fraternities and sororities in the USA.

Operation Sudden Fall

On May 15, SDSU Vice President for Student Affairs James Kitchen lifted the interim suspension from the Phi Kappa Theta, Sigma Alpha Mu, and Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternities.

Paul Quinn College

Furthermore, students can be initiated into honor societies, such as Phi Delta Kappa and Alpha Chi National College Honor Society, as well as National Pan-Hellenic Council fraternities and sororities Alpha Phi Alpha, Alpha Kappa Alpha, Kappa Alpha Psi, Omega Psi Phi, Delta Sigma Theta, Phi Beta Sigma, Zeta Phi Beta and Sigma Gamma Rho.

Rock Yo Hips

The style of the video is inspired by Historically black colleges, such as Morehouse and Spelman, in Atlanta and featured African-American fraternities such as Phi Beta Sigma, Omega Psi Phi, Alpha Phi Alpha and Kappa Alpha Psi.

Student social organizations at the College of Wooster

The College of Wooster, an Ohio school, has 4 active, chartered fraternities, known at Wooster as Sections, and 5 active, chartered sororities, known as Clubs, as of Summer 2006.

Theodor Reuss

Although not a member of a regular Masonic order, he had founded two occult fraternities: the Martinist group, l'Ordre des Supérieurs Inconnus and the Rosicrucian Kabbalistic Order of the Rose-Croix.

Theta Delta Chi

Theta Delta Chi, the eleventh oldest of the college fraternities, was founded in 1847 at Union College in Schenectady, NY by six members of the class of 1849: William G. Akin, Abel Beach, Theodore Brown, Andrew H. Green, William Hyslop, and Samuel F. Wile.


Nowadays, it is utilized by far-right German organizations and by people who identify with the Nazi ideology and its aspects, such as certain fraternities, parties, and organizations as the NPD or the Jungen Nationalen.

Ursinus College

The Ursinus College Greek community consists of six sororities, including Kappa Delta Kappa, Phi Alpha Psi, Sigma Sigma Sigma, Tau Sigma Gamma, Upsilon Phi Delta, and Omega Chi, and eight fraternities, including Alpha Phi Epsilon, Beta Sigma Lambda, Delta Pi Sigma, Kappa Alpha Psi, Phi Kappa Sigma, Pi Omega Delta, Sigma Pi and Sigma Rho Lambda.

see also