
7 unusual facts about Theodor Reuss

Carl William Hansen

In September 1921 Theodor Reuss issued fringe masonic charters to Hansen for Gnostic Primas, Memphis & Misraim, Ordo Templi Orientis and the Hermetic Brotherhood of Light.

Franz Hartmann

According to Theodor Reuss he was one of the original founders of the magical Order that would later be known as Ordo Templi Orientis, along with Reuss and Carl Kellner.

Theodor Reuss

Gérard Encausse provided him with a charter dated June 24, 1901 designating him Special Inspector for the Martinist Order in Germany.

Although not a member of a regular Masonic order, he had founded two occult fraternities: the Martinist group, l'Ordre des Supérieurs Inconnus and the Rosicrucian Kabbalistic Order of the Rose-Croix.

Westcott provided Reuss with a charter dated July 26, 1901 for the Swedenborgian Rite of Masonry and a letter of authorization dated February 24, 1902 to found a High Council in Germania of the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia.

The French occultist and physician Gérard Encausse (perhaps better known by his pen-name Papus) was one such contact.

Along with his associates Franz Hartmann and Henry Klein, he activated the Masonic Rites of Memphis and Mizraim and a branch of the Scottish Rite in Germany with charters from Yarker.

see also