
unusual facts about frescos


Brancacci Chapel

Moreover, the commissioning patron's exile in 1436 hindered any possibility of the frescos completion by other artists; in fact, it is probable that some parts already painted by Masaccio were removed as a sort of damnatio memoriae, because of their portraiture of the Brancacci family members.

Damerla Rama Rao

His works were composed, decorative in nature and always compared to those of Puvs de Chavannes, the post-Impressionist artist of Paris.Rama Rao was spotted by Sir O. J. Couldrey, principal of the Government Arts College, Rajahmundry who took him to Ajanta and Ellora for sketching the frescos and sculptures.

David Hewes

Hewes' art collection of pictures, statues and frescos was presented to the Leland Stanford Jr. University.

Doppelkirche Schwarzrheindorf

The subject matter for the frescos was derived from the teachings of contemporary theologians like Rupert of Deutz and Otto of Freising.

Foujita Chapel

The chapel was conceived and designed by the artist Tsuguharu Foujita, and is famous for the frescos he painted in the interiors.

Gesù Nuovo

The frescos on the side walls were carried out by Belisario Corenzio.

The vault frescos representing biblical and saintly narratives that exalt the name of Jesus were carried out by Belisario Corenzio and Paolo de Matteis.

Giovanni Battista Sassi

He painted frescos for the Palazzo Modigliani in Lodi, the Palazzo Brentano of Corbetta, where other artists such as Mattia Bortoloni, Giovanni Angelo Borroni, Giovanni Antonio Cucchi.

Héctor Xavier

He also met Francisco de la Maza who exposed Xavier to pre Hispanic art, especially that of Colima and the frescos and stele of Bonampak.

Jorge González Camarena

In 1933, painter Jorge Enciso, then director of the Dirección de Monumentos Coloniales, commissioned him to restore the 16th-century frescos on the walls of the former monastery of Huejotzingo, Puebla.

Karl Matzek

On a winter day after World War II, he was found sick and half-frozen by villagers of Balatun in Bosnia and accepted in their midst in exchange for painting frescos in their churches.

Károly Lotz

Later he started on his own original works, first as a romantic landscape artist in scenes of the Alföld (the Hungarian lowland plain), and then as a creator of monumental murals and frescos in the style of the Venetian master Tiepolo.

La Guingueta d'Àneu

Apse of Santa Maria d'Àneu, a romanesque apse of the church of Santa Maria d'Àneu, the transferred frescos from which are now exhibited at Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya.

Menil Collection

Located in a separate building near the main collection, the Byzantine Fresco Chapel houses two 13th century Byzantine church frescos, an apse semi-dome of the Virgin Panagia and a dome with Christ Pantocrator (pictures on website).

Notre-Dame de Clignancourt

The church still contains paintings and frescos by prominent 19th-century artists, including Romain Cazes and Félix-Joseph Barrias, and a large marble sculpture depicting the Pietà.

Omar D'León

His early inspiration were the frescos of Pompeii, where he saw the use of cross-hatching and applied this technique to his love of the Impressionist school.


The frescos which he painted in the Cybo Chapel, built by Cardinal Lorenzo Cybo de Mari in the beginning of the 16th century, were destroyed in 1682, when the chapel was rebuilt by Cardinal Alderano Cybo.

Ramón Alva de la Canal

He was one of the pioneers of the Mexican muralism movement, especially frescos, recruited by Vasconcelos along with other muralists such as Diego Rivera, David Alfaro Siqueiros, José Clemente Orozco, Jean Charlot, Fernando Leal, Fermín Revueltas, Emilio García Cahero, Xavier Guerrero and Carlos Mérida .

San Bernardino de Siena Church, Xochimilco

In the rest of the church and monastery there are paintings and frescos, a number of which by famous artists such as Baltasar de Echave and his son, Simon Pereyns, Sánchez Samerón Caravaggio, Francisco Martínez, Luis Arciniegas and Juan Martínez Montañés.

Signorelli parapraxis

Freud in his analysis did not use the fact, that he remembered very well a picture of the painter in the lower left corner of one of the frescos (see: Fresco of the Deeds of the Antichrist).

Freud couldn't recall the name (Signorelli) of the painter of the Orvieto frescos and produced as substitutes the names of two painters Botticelli and Boltraffio.

Thomas Sills

Sills' work was highly intuitive and he too sought inspiration from primitive art—in the 1950s he made frequent trips to Mexico to study the sculptures, frescos and architecture of Chiapas and the Yucatan.

see also