
unusual facts about game fish

Blue rockfish

They continue to be of interest as game fish, and are among the most common types landed by boat anglers; in fact, there is evidence of overfishing in Monterey Bay and southern California.


The roosterfish, Nematistius pectoralis, is a game fish found in the warmer waters of the East Pacific from Baja California to Peru.

see also

Blood Run Site

The State of South Dakota Game, Fish, and Parks Commission, upon offer of land sale by owners Buzz and Lois Nelson and the sole civilian testimony by SD author of Blood Run (book) (a volume supported by a SD Arts Council Grant) and Sioux Falls Public Schools and Office of Indian Education teacher, Allison Hedge Coke, the Commission voted to acquire the area as state park land in January 2003.

Charles Frederick Holder

In 1898, he founded the Tuna Club of Avalon in Avalon, California on Santa Catalina Island, California as an international organization that called for proper management of all game fish.

Land-based game fishing

The billfish (marlin and sailfish) and the larger tuna (bluefin, yellowfin) are the main target species; smaller game fish are also sought, such as Spanish mackerel, dolphinfish, wahoo, smaller tuna species such as albacore and skipjack tuna, Australian longtail.