
unusual facts about general strike

Innocencio of Mary Immaculate

On Friday October 5, 1934, a group of strikers forced their way into the Lasallian school in Turón, where Father Innocencio was exercising his priestly ministry.

Benoît Broutchoux

Supporting revolutionary general strike, he also advocated free love following the American anarchist Emma Goldman, and was condemned for immorality (outrage aux bonnes mœurs).

Civil Assistance

Formed as a breakaway of Unison by General (retd.) Sir Walter Walker, Commander in Chief of NATO forces in Northern Europe from 1969 to 1972, it was a voluntary group that aimed to break any planned general strike.

Edward Brandis Denham

He became Governor of the Gambia in November 1928, finding it hard to deal with the general strike called by the Bathurst Trade Union in late 1929.

Georgette Heyer

After her novel These Old Shades became popular despite its release during the General Strike, Heyer determined that publicity was not necessary for good sales.

If It Had Happened Otherwise

"If the General Strike Had Succeeded" by Ronald Knox: This essay is in the form of an article from The Times of 1931, which discloses the outcome as Great Britain under communist rule.

Stourbridge Town railway station

During the General Strike in 1926, the bus service between Junction and Town stations was re-introduced from 7 May to 10 July to cover for the withdrawn train services.

see also

1 December 2013 Euromaidan riots

Writer Irena Karpa also encouraged the nation to go on general strike – to skip work, boycott Russian products and continue the protests.

Battle of Lewes Road

The general strike was called off the following day by the Trades Union Congress, and some transport workers who struck were not reinstated by their employers.

Enriqueta Martí

In the summer of 1909, the city suffered through an explosive, week-long, episode of civil unrest --the Tragic Week began as a general strike of the city proletariat, and later spiraled out of control, resulting in chaotic street fights with city police and the eventual occupation of the port city by national troops.

Freikorps Lichtschlag

Subsequently the supporters of the Communist Party (KPD) and the Independent Social Democratic Party (USPD) declared a general strike in the Ruhr area.

Geography of Bankura district

Strong massive runs of hornblendic varieties stretch across the region in tolerably continuous lines, the general strike being nearly east and west.

Guillermo Estévez Boero

The PSP took part in union- and student-led resistance against the dictatorship, such as the general strike called by the "Brasil" faction of the General Confederation of Labour in 1979, the 1981 Saint Cajetan's Day demonstration, and the demonstration of 30 March 1982 organized by the "Brasil" faction of the General Confederation of Labour .

Labour brokering

COSATU called for a national one day general strike against labour brokering and the proposed Gauteng e-toll system for 7 March 2012.

Otto Wels

Even after the Preußenschlag of July 1932 against Otto Braun's government in the Free State of Prussia, he spoke against a general strike; however after the Reichstag election of November 1932 he rejected any negotiations with the new Chancellor Kurt von Schleicher.