
39 unusual facts about gestapo

Abdurakhman Avtorkhanov

To tell that NKVD is a body of mass inquisition also means to tell nothing to the point, because Gestapo also was a mass inquisition, although its chief Himmler—would not have fit a sergeant of the State Security Service.

Anna Friessnegg

Deutsch stayed with Stecher for a few months, without being found by the Gestapo.

In 1944 they helped the Hungarian Jew Melvine Deutsch, looked after her and hid her in their apartment, whenever there was any danger to be found and deported by the Gestapo.

Anna-Maria Haas

Hungarian Jews who had already been selected by the Gestapo for a transport to an Extermination camp.

Bewegung Nurr

Trollmann won the German light-heavyweight title in 1933, but was stripped of his victory by the Nazis, sterilized, arrested by the Gestapo, and finally murdered in Neuengamme concentration camp.

Bohumil Müller

Müller reported back to his office and found many were fleeing Czechoslovakia before the Gestapo could arrest them.

Centre Tola Vologe

The facility is named after Anatole Tologe, commonly called Tola Vologe, who was a Lyon sportsmen and was murdered by the Gestapo during World War II.

Charlotte Fritz

When two executives of the Gestapo showed up and asked for Edeltrud's fiancé, Charlotte denied any presence of the man who lived with his brothers in Prague at that time.


To tell that NKVD is a body of mass inquisition also tells nothing to the point, because Gestapo also was a mass inquisition, although its chief Heinrich Himmler—would not be fit to serve as a sergeant of the Soviet State Security Service.

Edi Stecher

When she was in danger at Manzer’s place, she went to her brother Edi Stecher, where she stayed several months hidden from the Gestapo.

Eduard Wagner

After the failure of the coup attempt he feared that his arrest by the Gestapo was imminent and that he might be forced to implicate other plotters.

Eric Whelpton

During World War II, Whelpton worked as a BBC news correspondent as a news correspondent in France and, as recounted in his travel book, The Balearics:Majorca, Minorca, Ibiza, he was told by a Swiss correspondent that he was on the Gestapo blacklist.

Ernst Käsemann

During the autumn of 1937 he spent a few weeks in Gestapo detention for publicly supporting communist miners.

Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution

Shortly after that it became public that a number of employees of the BfV had been with the Gestapo during the Third Reich.

Garrison's Gorillas

In "The Magnificant Forger" comedian Larry Storch turns in a solid dramatic performance as a con brought in to help 'doctor' a Gestapo list of American agents.

Hilde Gueden

Rumour has it that she was almost arrested by the Gestapo in Munich, but she had by then obtained a fake passport showing that she was a Roman Catholic Polish woman and could avoid the arrest.

Ivar Mathisen

However, Mathisen was never discovered; according to his own statement he was never even controlled by soldiers or Gestapo.

Jane Haining

She was arrested in April 1944 and detained by the Gestapo, accused, amongst other things, of working among Jews and listening to the BBC.

Julian Grobelny

In March 1944, the Gestapo arrested Grobelny without knowing about his clandestine work.


Notable people from Kalinčiakovo include the economist Imrich Karvaš (1903-1981), governor of the National Bank of the Slovak Republic (1939–1945) from 1939 until arrested by the Gestapo in 1944.

Karl August, 10th Prince of Thurn and Taxis

Because of his anti-Nazi attitude, Karl August was imprisoned in a Gestapo prison in Landshut from 1944 to 1945.

Karl Germer

He was arrested by the Gestapo on 13 February 1935 for being an associate of the "High Grade Freemason Aleister Crowley".

Léon Lommel

During World War II, he was sent to France after being interrogated by the Gestapo; he worked in reconstructing his country's churches and chapels after returning there following the end of the war.

Marian Auerbach

Auerbach lectured there, and died at the hands of Gestapo during the Holocaust in Poland.

Operation Most III

It was intended that Antoni Kocjan (who had personally studied parts of V-2 missiles) would take part, but he was arrested by the Gestapo and therefore was replaced by Jerzy Chmielewski.

Owen Snedden

In mid-1943 (after the fall of Mussolini and the German occupation of Rome) such activities became much more hazardous under Gestapo surveillance and also risked compromising the neutrality of Vatican City.

Pietro Caruso

Together with Herbert Kappler, the German Gestapo chief in Rome, Caruso organised the massacre in Fosse Ardeatine on 24 March 1944 as revenge for an attack the day before by Italian partisans on a column of German soldiers in Rome.

Raymonde Berthoud

She hid Jews during the Second World War from the Gestapo in Budapest and also worked during six years in Budapest for the Swiss Red Cross delegation.

Robert Havemann

It was in connection with this group that he was arrested by the Gestapo in 1943.

Robert Lehr

Lehr and his wife remained under intense scrutiny by the Gestapo until the end of World War II.

Robert Walter Richard Ernst von Görschen

The son Hans-Wolf von Görschen (1894−1944) was an honorary senator of the University of Greifswald, banker and businessman in Cologne and Rotterdam and a resistance fighter in the “Kreisau Circle”, so he was arrested in December 1944 and in April 1945 was executed by the Gestapo.

Roman Catholic Diocese of Görlitz

On 16 July the archdiocesan cathedral chapter, still comprising nine members, elected the Polish-speaking Ferdinand Piontek as capitular vicar, whom the Gestapo had banned from Breslau in early February 1945.

Stefan Tytus Dąbrowski

  Dąbrowski had foreknowledge of events in 1939, and spent the duration of the war in many localities hiding from the Gestapo, Nazi Germany's secret police.

Sund, Norway

On April 26, 1942, after having discovered that two men from the Linge company were being hidden in Telavåg, the Gestapo arrived to arrest the Norwegian officers.

Tex Thompson

Thompson does this by becoming "Hauptmann Riker" and infiltrating the Gestapo.

The Probability Broach

Edward William "Win" Bear is a Ute Indian who works for the Denver Police Department in a version of the United States projected (by 1986) to be controlled by an anti-business, ecofascist faction complete with a new Federal Security Police (FSP, or "SecPol" as it is more commonly known) reminiscent of the Gestapo.

Werner Dankwort

They were part of an organization that helped Jewish children escape from Germany and into Sweden, without being discovered by the Gestapo .

Werner E. Reichardt

In 1944 Reichardt was arrested by the Gestapo but escaped, and hid in Berlin until the end of the war.


On April 21, 1945, before fleeing the city, the Gestapo took the French resistants and political prisoners held in the prison of Wolfach to a forest outside of the town, forced them to dig their own graves, and shot them on the spot, just three hours before the arrival of the French 2nd Armored Division commanded by General Leclerc.

Action Saybusch

The whole displacement action was conducted by the Polizei-Battalion No. 82 (under Kegel) and Battalion No. 83 (under Eugen Seim, stationed in Jeleśnia) with approximately 500 soldiers as well as numerous SS, RKF and NSDAP functionaries including Katowice Gestapo officers.

Auguste Ricord

An agent of Henri Lafont, a member of the Carlingue (French auxiliaries of the Gestapo), under the Vichy regime, he used part of the funds stolen by the Carlingue during the war to create drug laboratories near Marseille.

Bernard Faÿ

Despite his anti-Semitism, Faÿ, who was suspected to be a Gestapo agent for much of the occupation, protected Gertrude Stein and Alice B. Toklas.

Czarny Las Massacre

Czarny Las Massacre (Polish: Mord w Czarnym Lesie) was a mass murder of around 250 Poles, carried out by the Gestapo, on the orders of SS-Hauptsturmführer Hans Krüger in Czarny Las (Black Forest) near Stanisławów, during the night of August 14/15, 1941.

Frédéric Dorion

In 1949, Dorion spoke out against the extradition from Canada of Count Jacques Charles Noel Duge de Bernonville, a Vichy France police official who had been an aide to Gestapo chief Klaus Barbie and was wanted in France for having collaborated with the Nazis.


Very little information is known about FUDOFSI since neither the organisation or its leader survived the Second World War (in 1944, Constant Chevillon, the head of FUDOFSI, was murdered by the Gestapo).

Gene Gutowski

He first worked for a photographer and later as an employee of the Junkers factory at Okęcie Airport, secretly removing Luftwaffe radio-transmitters for delivery to the Polish underground army (Armia Krajowa) Escaping from the Gestapo at 18 he became the head of a construction company working for the Organisation Todt in Riga, Latvia and was later evacuated to Germany at the end of 1944.

Gustave Biéler

His operations were so successful that the Germans instituted a special manhunt to get him and his team and on 13 January 1944 the Gestapo arrested him and agent Yolande Beekman in the Café Moulin Brulé in Saint-Quentin.

Hans Juhl

Gestapo Juhl was responsible for arresting about half of the 481 Danish Jews, who were deported to the Theresienstadt concentration camp, including the razzia on the attic in Gilleleje Church on the night between the 6th and the 7th October 1943, where 85 people were arrested.

Hendrik S. Houthakker

As a teenager he lived through the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands and, according to an interview he gave to the Valley News, was once arrested by the Gestapo but escaped and was sheltered for some months by a Roman Catholic family.


The Gestapo, under the direction of the 'Butcher of Lyon' Klaus Barbie, entered the orphanage and forcibly removed the forty-four children and their seven supervisors, throwing the crying and terrified children on to the trucks.

Johanna Kirchner

In 1933, Adolf Hitler came to power, and the dedicated anti-fascist had to go underground, as her help in freeing an anti-Nazi from the Gestapo became known, leading to the danger of her possible arrest.

Józef Cyrek

After a detention of c.43 days in duration at Montelupich, Dembowski was transferred on or about 23 December 1939, together with the other arrested Jesuits, to another notorious Gestapo prison at Wiśnicz, which was in reality (if not in name) a Nazi extermination camp in which prisoners were worked to death.

Karl Löffler

Historian Eric A. Johnson used Löffler as an example of what he called "local Eichmanns" in his book, Nazi Terror: The Gestapo, Jews, and Ordinary Germans.

Lily Renée

He had been a political cartoonist, and after drawing a caricature of Joseph Goebbels, the Gestapo showed up at his house to arrest him.

Marian Hemar

Soon after the outbreak of World War II Hemar fled Warsaw after being searched for by the Gestapo and reached Romania, and eventually the Middle East, where he signed up and served in the Polish Independent Carpathian Rifle Brigade.

Martin Hoop

Very probably the secret state police (Gestapo) or storm troopers (Sturmabteilung) took him into custody because of his political activity.

Night Train to Munich

Written by Sidney Gilliat and Frank Launder, based on the novel Report on a Fugitive by Gordon Wellesley, the film is about an inventor and his daughter who are kidnapped by the Gestapo after the Nazis march into Prague during the initial days of World War II.

No. 464 Squadron RAAF

Perhaps the most noteworthy of these came on 14/15 July 1944, when four aircraft from the squadron attacked the Gestapo barracks at Bonneuil-Matours in a night-time attack.

Onorato Damen

In 1945, Togliatti and the PCI, while advocating the freedom of real fascists, petitioned in the CLN to have the leaders of the Internationalist Communist Party condemned to death as saboteurs and with the calumnious label of agents of the Gestapo; they included Damen in their list of its leaders.


The Canadian historian Robert Gellately has observed, for instance, that because of the widespread willingness of Germans to inform on each other to the Gestapo that Germany between 1933-45 was a prime example of Panopticism.

Ruins of the Reich

Part 3 - Warsaw Ghetto, Gestapo headquarters, Pawiak Prison, Palmiry massacre site, Oskar Schindler's Deutsche Emalia Fabrika, Kraków-Płaszów concentration camp, Auschwitz-Birkenau, Treblinka, Fermont, Immerhof and Hackenberg on the Maginot Line, Compiègne, tomb of Napoleon and the German submarine pens and Cross-Channel guns in Normandy and the Pas-de-Calais.

Supreme Committee for the Liberation of Lithuania

In early 1944 VLIK sent colonel Kazimieras Amraziejus on a mission to Stockholm, but he was captured and interrogated by the Gestapo in Estonia.

The Great Escape II: The Untold Story

The second half of the film is a highly fictionalized account of the post-war investigation into the murders of fifty of the escapees by the Gestapo, conducted by three Americans (whereas in fact it was conducted by the Royal Air Force Special Investigation Branch).


On the next day, a 12 member Judenrat was appointed by the Gestapo and shortly after Stanislaw Torsky, a member of the Polish National Democrats "Endek" party with strongly antisemitic views, was appointed mayor.