Beyond the Crash: Overcoming the first crisis of globalisation is a 2010 book by former UK prime minister Gordon Brown.
(with Jonathan Michie), Technology, Globalisation and Economic Performance, preface by Richard R. Nelson (Cambridge University Press, 1997)
In a destroyed environment where the air is vitiated by pesticides and ground water is running out, the village of El Ejido illustrates, almost to the point of caricature, this industrial exploitation of men and the land encouraged by globalisation.
Helena is featured in The Economics of Happiness, a feature length film by ISEC on environmental, social and economic impacts of globalisation, as well as the multiple benefits of localisation.
In Europe, English received a more central role particularly since 1919, when the Treaty of Versailles was composed not only in French, the common language of diplomacy at the time, but, under special request from American president Woodrow Wilson, also in English - a major milestone in the globalisation of English.
Established in 1986, the primary aim of Khanya College is to assist various constituencies within working class and poor communities to respond to the challenges posed by the forces of economic and political globalisation.
Her most notable recent achievement was the publication of Episodic Memory, a groundbreaking novel which deploys Tulving's theory of memory as a metaphor for changes within Ukrainian society and shifts in the human psyche caused by globalisation.
The RMT announced in March 2009 that it would be standing a slate of candidates in the 2009 European Parliament elections under the banner of No to EU – Yes to Democracy, a broad left-wing alter-globalisation coalition which aims to offer an alternative to the "anti-foreigner" and pro-business policies of the UK Independence Party.
The first series of the programme was aired in 2005, consisting of six hour-long discussions on such topics as outsourcing (recorded in Mumbai) and globalisation (from the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland).
The Geo-Politics of the City (ISBN 978-0-9554975-2-0) is a 2007 collection of essays exploring the City of London's financial markets and globalisation, edited by Stephen Barber and with a foreword by Peter Jay.
In it Latham frequently refers to his belief that in the 10 years between the ALP losing office in 1996 and publication of the Diaries, Labor failed to respond to major changes in Australian society, wrought by globalisation and the policies of the Keating and Howard governments.
He speaks on vivid topics ranging from the hazards of the globalisation to the problems of the local people working in mines in the coal belt area of Godavarikhani.
The VHC initiative first public session took the form of a roundtable discussion with Bryan S. Turner and Peadar Kirby (both of whom were already working on concepts of vulnerability in relation to a sociology of human rights and a critical account of globalisation respectively).
The jury of the forum included: Vladimir Yakunin, the Founding President of the World Public Forum "Dialogue of Civilizations"; Kamran Mofid, the founder of “Globalisation for the Common Good” initiative; Fearghas O'Beara, the Advisor to the Deputy Secretary of European Parliament; Martin Kugler, the founder and director of “Kairos Consulting” nonprofit organizations; Calvina Fay, the executive director of the "Drug Free America" Foundation.