
2 unusual facts about gneiss

Cape Nome

The Metamorphosis process, which has resulted in the biotite formation attaining a fine grained status that gives the appearance of a banded gneissic structure.


Out of Gneiss he created a terraced fountain scene on the lightly sloping site.


gneiss | Gneiss |

Bjorøy Tunnel

The Jurassic sediments encountered in the tunnel included breccia and conglomerate in contact with the underlying gneisses and a sandstone with coal fragments, some of which was quite unconsolidated.

Concordia, Northern Cape

Long before colonial times (prior to 1652), the indigenous peoples (the Khoisan or Nama) of the area extracted raw or "native copper" from the gneiss and granite hills that make up the surrounding Namaqualand Copper belt.

Eastern Himalaya

Paro metamorphic belt may be found overlying Chasilakha-Soraya gneiss in some places.

Forest Falls, California

The rocks immediately surrounding Forest Falls are basement rocks characteristic of the major part of the San Bernardino Mountains, that is, Paleoproterozoic gneiss, Neoproterozoic to Paleozoic marble and quartzite, and Late Cretaceous granitic rocks.

Fourth Dynasty of Egypt

The names of Khufu and Djedefre were inscribed in gneiss quarries in the Western Desert 65 km to the northwest of Abu Simbel; objects dated to the reigns of Khufu, Khafre, and Menkaure have been uncovered at Byblos.

Geography of Bankura district

While metamorphic or gneissose rocks are found to the extreme west, to the east there is a wide plain of recent alluvium.

Morton Gneiss

The Morton Gneiss is an Archean-age migmatitic gneiss found in the Minnesota River Valley of southwestern Minnesota.

Oldest dated rocks

The Acasta Gneiss in the Canadian Shield in the Northwest Territories, Canada is composed of the Archaean igneous and gneissic cores of ancient mountain chains that have been exposed in a glacial peneplain.


Another variety more frequently used as a gemstone is the aventurine-feldspar or sun-stone found as reddish cleavage masses in gneiss at Tvedestrand in southern Norway; this presents a brilliant red to golden metallic glitter, due to the presence of numerous small scales of hematite oriented within the feldspar structure.

Planet, Arizona

The geology of the Planet area is ancient, estimated to be Precambrian, the bedrock being made up mostly of pinkish gneiss and absorbed limestone and amphibolite, which contained hematite-copper.


Syenite is not a common rock, some of the more important occurrences being in New England, Arkansas, Montana, New York (syenite gneisses), Switzerland, Germany, Norway, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, Malawi (Mulanje Mountain Forest Reserve) and Romania (Ditrău).

see also