
3 unusual facts about gods

C. W. Ceram

In 1949, Ceram wrote his most famous book, Götter, Gräber und Gelehrte — published in English as Gods, Graves and Scholars: The Story of Archaeology — an account of the historical development of archaeology.

Gods, Graves and Scholars

Gods, Graves, and Scholars is a popular book by German writer C. W. Ceram about the history of archaeology.

It gives brief, informative biographies of archaeologists like Heinrich Schliemann, Jean-François Champollion, Paul-Émile Botta, and Howard Carter, among others.


Almost all Vedic rituals and practices begin by invoking the blessings of Agneya as well as seven other celestial Goddesses, "Dhik Devadais" ("Angel guarding the 8 Directions"), and Demi-Gods.

All His Engines

They unwittingly step into a war between gods, most notably Mictlantecuhtli, the Aztec deity of death, who resents Constantine's intrusion into his business.


Val were created during the God War as the elite warriors of the Gods and thereafter, as the caretakers of Mankind.

Arthur Fauset

Elsie Clews Parsons supported him throughout his career in anthropology and with her support Fauset published his Ph. D. on Negro cults of Philadelphia, New York and Chicago, Black Gods of the Metropolis in 1944.


Ruling from his seat in Uppsala, Aun was reputedly a wise king who made sacrifices to the gods.

Aztec medicine

As with many other Mesoamerican cultures, the Aztec system recognised three main causes of illness and injuries—supernatural causes involving the displeasure of the gods or excess and imbalance with the supernatural and natural worlds, magical causes involving malevolent curses and sorcerers (a tlacatecolotl in Nahuatl), and natural or practical causes.


The nyktomakhi is of about the same length as Bjarkamál, and containing the same elements: The Trojan horse/the smuggling of Swedish weapons; Danes/Trojans are sound asleep when Swedes/Greeks attack them; plus the climax: The godess Venus informs Æneas that it is the will of the gods themselves (that is, Jupiter, Juno, Minerva and Neptune) that Troy shall fall, and so he can honourably flee.

Blair Hughes-Stanton

They include The Ship of Death by Lawrence (1933), Primeval Gods by Christopher Sandford (1934), Ecclesiastes and A Crime against Cania, both for the Golden Cockerel Press and both 1934, and Address by Abraham Lincoln at the Dedication of the National Cemetery at Gettysberg (1936), an unillustrated book printed by Hughes-Stanton at the Gemini Press in an edition of 50 copies, not for sale, the final publication of the press.

Books of Kings

Hezekiah, the 14th king of Judah "did what was right in the eyes of the Lord" and institutes a far reaching religious reform, centralising sacrifice at the temple at Jerusalem and destroying the images of other gods.


Mahishasura, a demon, had created terror in the dev-lok (the world of gods).

David Blaustein

Blaustein continued to attend college full-time, work at both radio stations and create and co-host a popular talk show on the campus radio station, WBNY-FM, called "Misinformation." Mr. Blaustein's co-host was novelist Micah Nathan, author of Simon and Schuster's Gods of Aberdeen.


In Europe, he received top honors at the 33rd annual Angoulême International Comics Festival for his work in "Demi Gods and Semi Devils" written by Chinese novelist Jin Yong, who is the best-selling Chinese author alive.


The Latin word is also continued in English divine, "deity", and the original Germanic word remains visible in "Tuesday" ("Day of Tīwaz") and Old Norse tívar, which may be continued in the toponym Tiveden ("Wood of the Gods", or of Týr).


Worshipers, dressed in ancient costume, recited ancient hymns calling on Zeus, "King of the Gods and the mover of things", to bring peace to the world.

Ethical monotheism

Other gods are considered to be false or demonic, and it is believed that any other gods cannot be compared to the one true God.

Etiquette in Japan

The titles for people are -chan (most often for female close friends, young girls or infants of either gender), -kun (most often for male close friends, or young boys), -san (for adults in general) and -sama (for customers, and also used for feudal lords, gods or buddhas).

Eva Cantarella

With Andrew Lear, Images of Ancient Greek Pederasty: Boys Were Their Gods.

Fallen Gods

Fallen Gods is an original novella written by Jonathan Blum and Kate Orman and based on the long-running British science fiction television series Doctor Who.

Food of the Gods II

Food of the Gods II, sometimes referred to as Gnaw: Food of the Gods II as well as Food of the Gods part 2, is a 1989 film that is a very loose sequel to the 1976 Bert I. Gordon film based on H.G. Wells' novel, The Food of the Gods.

Heathen Gods in Old English Literature

Heathen Gods in Old English Literature details North's theory that the god Ing played a prominent role in the pre-Christian religion of Anglo-Saxon England, and highlights references to him in such texts as Beowulf and the sole surviving Anglo-Saxon copy of the Book of Exodus.


Carpo (Καρπώ), Carpho or Xarpo was the one who brings food (though Robert Graves in The Greek Myths (1955) translates this name as "withering") and was in charge of autumn, ripening, and harvesting, as well as guarding the way to Mount Olympus and letting back the clouds surrounding the mountain if one of the gods left.

I Can't Read

Tim Bowness and Samuel Smiles - Diamond Gods: Interpretations of Bowie (2001)

Jason Todd Ipson

A Norse Mythology enthusiast, he named his two children Odin and Thor after Norse gods as well as his film production company Asgaard Entertainment.

Jesus Christ in comparative mythology

Tryggve Mettinger, former professor of Hebrew bible at Lund University, is one of the academics who supports the "dying and rising gods" construct, but he states that Jesus does not fit the wider pattern.


The practice of leaving a Kanike may have stemmed from Jainism, although it is mainly associated with Hinduism, especially lesser Gods, such as Chelamma, the scorpion Goddess.


A monument to the four gods depicting Juno, Minerva, Mercury and Hercules, possibly once the base of a Jupiter Column, was discovered on the heights of Schoenberg at the point where two Roman roads once crossed.

Mari native religion

A similar number was claimed by Victor Schnirelmann, for whom between a quarter and a half of the Mari either worship the Pagan gods or are adherents of Neopagan groups.

Maya death rituals

The Maya were a ritualistic people, who paid great respect to the destructive nature of their gods.

Megasthenes' Herakles

As was common in the ancient period, the Greeks sometimes described foreign gods in terms of their own divinities, and there is a little doubt that the Sourasenoi refers to the Shurasenas, a branch of the Yadu dynasty to which Krishna belonged; Herakles to Krishna, or Hari-Krishna: Mehtora to Mathura, where Krishna was born; Kleisobora to Krishnapura, meaning "the city of Krishna"; and the Jobares to the Yamuna, the famous river in the Krishna story.

Mind of Mencia

Before going on his tirades, he begs for forgiveness from various Hindu gods such as Shiva and Vishnu.

Mutant Enemy Productions

"Storyteller": The monster (overdubbed by cast member Adam Busch) sings a line from the episode, "We are as Gods".

New Gods

The New Gods and their concepts have at times played a central role in the DC Universe, in series such as Jim Starlin's Cosmic Odyssey.


In Roger Zelazny's novel Lord of Light, set on a world where humans with vastly advanced technology have set themselves up as the gods of Hinduism, Nirriti the Black is one of their enemies.


Such songs were originally addressed to Apollo, and afterwards to other gods, Dionysus, Helios, Asclepius.

Portico Dii Consentes

The Portico Dii Consentes ("Portico of the Harmonious Gods"), sometimes known as the Area of the Dii Consentes, is located at the bottom of the ancient Roman road that leads up to the Capitol in Rome and to the Temple of Jupiter at its summit.

Preeti Chandrakant

A Goat To The Gods (as Preeti von Roma) is a video collage of behind-the-scenes 'found objects' with Klaus Kinski and Werner Herzog, which depicts "an absurd journey into a jungle of veiled madness" revealing the 'doings' of Kinski and Herzog against the backdrop of real Africa.


The illustrator Arthur Rackham drew 70 vibrant renderings of the story for the book Siegfried & The Twilight of the Gods, translated by Margaret Armour (1910).

Somerford Keynes

These may have belonged to a representation of the Roman Capitoline triad (The gods Jupiter, Juno and Minerva), and therefore point to an official religious presence.


Gods who ride such animals, notably Shiva and Dionysos, or who have canine servants, notably Orion and Osiris (with Anubis his gatekeeper and embalmer), were also regarded by Kerenyi as partly derived from Iachen, the sublimator, or an even older myth.

Steven Raichlen

He battled and defeated Iron Chef Rokusaburo Michiba in a "Battle of the Barbecue Gods" on Japanese television.


In chapter 42 of the Prose Edda book Gylfaginning, High tells a story set "right at the beginning of the gods' settlement, when the gods at established Midgard and built Val-Hall" about an unnamed builder who has offered to build a fortification for the gods that will keep out invaders in exchange for the goddess Freyja, the sun, and the moon.

The Cult of Alien Gods: H. P. Lovecraft and Extraterrestrial Pop Culture

The Cult of Alien Gods: H. P. Lovecraft and Extraterrestrial Pop Culture is a 2005 book by Jason Colavito, a contributor to Skeptic magazine, and published by Prometheus Books.

The Gods of Guilt

The Gods of Guilt is the 26th novel by American author Michael Connelly, and his fifth to feature Los Angeles criminal defense attorney Mickey Haller.

Thinking like a mountain

In his eyes, the laws of the gods outweigh those of man and man must understand his place in the order of natural law.


In the Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game, there is a group of cards called "Spirit Monsters", which are all based on Japanese gods and other mythological creatures.

Twisted Issues

Twisted Issues is a 1988 splatter film billed as a 'psycho-punk splatter-comedy,' It featured Gainesville, Florida punk bands such as Psychic Violents, Young Pioneers, Mutley Chix, Doldrums, Just Demi-gods, Cindy Brady's Lisp, Officer Friendly, and the Smegmas, as well as local speed metal band Hellwitch avante gard incidental music by The Bill Perry Orchestra.

Vastu shastra

Brahma occupied the central portion – the Brahmasthana- and other gods were distributed around in a concentric pattern.


In this legend, Vasuki allowed the devas (gods) and the asuras (demons) to bind him to Mount Mandara and use him as their churning rope to extract the ambrosia of immortality from the ocean of milk.

War of the Twins

Crysania flees when Raistlin rejects her love and makes plans to bring word of the true gods to the people, 200 years before Goldmoon would during the War of the Lance.


The Gods River Airport, (IATA: ZGI, ICAO: CZGI), located adjacent to Gods River, Manitoba, Canada

see also