
2 unusual facts about government agency

Olav Nilsson

One of the main efforts of king Cristopher to mend these relations was to appoint a commission to process the complaints of the citizens of Norway.

Tina Tchen

She also handled a wide range of commercial, intellectual property, and employment-related litigation, and represented public agencies in state and federal class actions, including the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services, the Illinois Department of Public Aid and the Chicago Housing Authority.

Robert Lush

Sir Robert Lush (1807–1881) was an English judge who served on many Commissions and Committees of Judges.

U.S.–Russia Joint Commission on POW/MIAs

In the U.S., the Defense Prisoner of War/Missing Personnel Office (DPMO) is the lead agency responsible for personnel accounting and personnel recovery.

Utah Court of Appeals

The Court also hears appeals from administrative proceedings by state agencies including the Utah Industrial Commission and the Department of Employment Security Career Service Review Board.

see also


Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency, the Canadian federal government agency responsible for helping to develop economic capacity in the Atlantic Provinces

Anatole Romaniuk

He settled in Canada in 1964 where he pursued an academic career at the University of Montreal and the University of Ottawa and occupied senior positions at Statistics Canada, a Canadian federal government agency (1968 - 1993), including as Director of the Demography Division.


BCHD, Beach Cities Health District, the government agency providing preventive health services to the residents of Hermosa Beach, Manhattan Beach, and Redondo Beach, California


Canadian Heritage Information Network, a government agency in Canada that promotes Canadian culture and heritage on the Internet

CHS Inc.

:For the UK government agency also named Cenex, see Centre of Excellence for Low Carbon and Fuel Cell Technologies


Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, a Canadian government agency providing homebuyer assistance and insurance to lenders in case of defaults.


Commission de Supervision Bancaire et Financaire, the Commission for the Supervision of Banking and Finance, a Madagascar government agency


Washington State Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation, an independent government agency in Washington state

Don Bosco Training Center

The institution was initiated and largely financed by the South Australian Government’s Austraining International and AusAID in partnership with Salesians in East Timor, the Australian Salesian Mission Overseas Aid Fund and East Timor’s SEFOPE – the government agency responsible for vocational training and employment.


Delaware River and Bay Authority, a bi-state government agency operating bridges and airports in Delaware and New Jersey

Eastern Suburbs railway line

In 1967 the New South Wales Government awarded the contract for the civil and structural design of the entire line to the Snowy Mountains Hydro-electric Authority (SMA), the Commonwealth Government agency responsible for the design and construction of the Snowy Mountains Scheme in south-eastern Australia.

Eritrean Free Zones Authority

The Eritrean Free Zones Authority is the government agency charged with the development and oversight of the Free Zones in Eritrea.


Federal Civil Defense Authority, an official US government agency that operated from 1972 to 1972, when it was succeeded by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

Federal Civil Defense Administration, a defunct official US government agency that operated from 1951 to 1958

Federal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology

Federal Agency on Technical Regulation and Metrology (Rosstandart) is the name of the Russian government agency that serves as a national standardization body of the Russian Federation.


Falkland Islands Development Corporation, Falkland Islands quasi-autonomous government agency

Honda Prelude

In Australia, the safety performance of Honda Preludes manufactured between 1983 and 2002 was assessed in the Buyers Guide to used Car Safety Ratings 2006, which was published by the Roads and Traffic Authority (RTA) (a New South Wales, Australia, government agency).


Inspectorates are commonplace in government; for example, in the United States, there are some 73 standard form Office of the Inspector Generals charged with examining the actions of a government agency, military organization, or military contractor as a general auditor of their operations and headed by an Inspector General.

Isla Vista Municipal Advisory Council

The State of California created a new special form of local government agency in 1970 with the creation of Municipal Advisory Councils, legislation enacted in response to the increasing frequency of violent race riots and other disturbances in its urban settings.

Lin Homer

Committee chairman Keith Vaz said her performance was "more like the scene of a Whitehall farce than a government agency operating in the 21st century".


Many national surveying projects have been carried out by the military, such as the British Ordnance Survey: a civilian government agency, internationally renowned for its comprehensively detailed work.

Midnight Sons

A new Midnight Sons team is sanctioned by A.R.M.O.R., a government agency that monitors and polices alternate realities from Earth-616.

Mister Bones

A former low-level supervillain, he reformed and joined the Infinity Inc. team, then later the (fictional) Department of Extranormal Operations (a government agency which regulates superhero activity) as a bureaucrat, eventually rising to the rank of Regional Director for the Eastern Seaboard.

National Economic Council

United States National Economic Council, is a United States government agency in the Executive Office of the President.

National Research Council

National Scientific and Technical Research Council, an Argentine government agency which directs and co-ordinates most of the scientific and technical research done in public universities and institutes

Negotiated rulemaking

Negotiated rulemaking is a process in American administrative law, used by federal agencies, in which representatives from a government agency and affected interest groups negotiate the terms of a proposed administrative rule.


National Virtual Translation Center, a federal government agency of the United States.


The Planning Inspectorate for England and Wales, a government agency responsible for determining final outcomes of town planning and enforcement appeals

Prime Sentinel

Bastion and his Prime Sentinels were eventually defeated by the X-Men with help from the government agency S.H.I.E.L.D., who shut down Operation: Zero Tolerance.

Public Sector Real Estate

The U.S. General Services Administration(GSA) is the primary government agency tasked with managing the U.S. Federal Government's real estate properties and the leases the GSA has with the private sector.

Regulation of acupuncture

In 2000, the Chinese Medicine Registration Board of Victoria, Australia (CMBV) was established as an independent government agency to oversee the practice of Chinese Herbal Medicine and Acupuncture in the state.


State Administration of Work Safety, government agency of the People's Republic of China

Taebaek Line

In 1949, the Economic Cooperation Administration, the United States government agency administering the Marshall Plan, also launched a plan to revive South Korea's economy, which included the construction of new railway lines.

Vestre Jakobselv Church

The building was designed by the Statens bygnignsinspektorat, a government agency now known as the Norwegian Directorate of Public Construction and Property.


War Industries Board, a former government agency created to increase efficiency of the United States during World War I