
unusual facts about great powers

Cretan State

Eventually, in March 1905, Venizelos and his supporters gathered in the village of Therisos, in the hills near Chania, constituted a "Revolutionary Assembly", demanded political reforms and declared the "political union of Crete with Greece as a single free constitutional state" in a manifesto delivered to the consuls of the Great Powers.

Liar's Poker: The Great Powers, Yugoslavia and the Wars of the Future

It speculates on the long-term goals of the United States and other great powers, and accuses the government and the media of conducting a campaign of organised disinformation.

see also

Battle of Nihriya

The conflict between the two great powers took place in the neighborhood of Nihriya, with the Assyrians gaining a decisive victory.

Catholic Mariavite Church

This was no doubt in part due to the pressures of Polish nationalism, which was very much caught up in the idea of Roman Catholicism as being an intrinsic part of the Polish national identity and was enjoying a resurgence as Poland had just reemerged as an independent nation-state after over two centuries of distribution among the "great powers" of Prussia, Austria and Russia.

Free State of Fiume

At the height of the dispute between the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes (later the Kingdom of Yugoslavia) and the Kingdom of Italy, the Great Powers advocated the establishment of an independent buffer state.

George V of Hanover

From exile in Gmunden, Austria, he appealed in vain for the European great powers to intervene on behalf of Hanover.

Georgios Christakis-Zografos

When the Great Powers decided to award Northern Epirus to Albania, local Greeks formed a provisional government under Christakis-Zografos on February 28, 1914 and declared their autonomy the following day in Gjirokastër.

Great Catherine

Catherine the Great (1729–1796), German princess who became most renowned and longest-ruling (from 1762 until her death) female leader of Russia, revitalizing and expanding its influence in direction of Empire's recognition as one of great powers of Europe

Imperial Japanese Army General Staff Office

Following the overthrow of the Tokugawa shogunate in 1867 and the "restoration" of direct imperial rule, the leaders of the new Meiji government sought to reduce Japan's vulnerability to Western imperialism by systematically emulating the technological, governing, social, and military practices of the European great powers.


Buzan, Barry and Rizvi, Gowher (1986), South Asian Insecurity and the Great Powers, London: Macmillan.

The Rise of the Great Powers

The state-run People's Daily reported that each of the 12 episodes of The Rise of the Great Powers ran at the prime time 9:30 p.m. slot, and each show lasted 50 minutes, totaling 600 minutes.