
unusual facts about grief


Colin Murray Parkes in the 1960s and 1970s in England noted increased doctor visits, with symptoms such as abdominal pain, breathing difficulties, and so forth in the first six months following a death.

2012 Pakistan garment factory fires

Governor of Sindh Ishrat-ul-Ibad Khan has expressed grief over the loss of life in the fire incident and expressed sympathy with the injured of the incident.

Prime Minister Raja Pervaiz Ashraf, who was on an official trip to China, telephoned Punjab Governor Sardar Latif Khosa and Chief Minister Mian Shahbaz Sharif to express his grief and shock over the incident in Lahore.


Soon after, Morpheus (god of dreams) disguised as Ceyx appeared to Alcyone as an apparition to tell her of his fate, and she threw herself into the sea in her grief.

Ancient Diocese of Arles

The legates were tempted into rejecting communion with Athanasius and refused to condemn Arius, an act which filled Pope Liberius with grief.

Andre's Mother

Set at the Manhattan memorial service for Andre Gerard, who died of AIDS and was buried in Dallas several weeks earlier, the story focuses on his mother Katherine's inability to come to terms with his death or share her grief with Cal, the young man's lover.

Animal loss

The stages of grief proposed by Dr. Elizabeth Kübler-Ross was designed in relation to human death, but can be adapted to describe the grief process for the death of a pet.

Anticipatory grief

The five stages (denial, bargaining, depression, anger and acceptance) proposed by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross in her model of grief to describe the process by which people cope after a loss can also be present in anticipatory grief.

Anwar Chowdhry

Among a number of international official figures who expressed their sorrow and grief were Kishen Narsi from India, member AIBA executive Committee, Yoo Jae Joon from Seoul Korea, Shbib Mohamed Kamel, president of Syrian Boxing Federation, and member of AIBA Executive

Balder Dead

Partly out of desperate grief - and partly in defiance of the harshness of the Norns or fates: Odin begs Hermod to ride his own steed, Sleipnir, down to Hell and beg Hela to release Balder.

Bill Myrick

Many Presley biographers, however, have reported that Presley never saw Jailhouse Rock because of grief over the death of co-star Judy Tyler and her husband in an automobile accident after the film had been completed.

Blu's Hanging

The story is told through Ivah, a smart-mouthed thirteen-year-old who is left as the oldest child to take care of her younger siblings, Blu and Maisie, while she struggles with her own grief, emerging sexuality, and awareness of the world.

Brent Robbins

In a recent article about the debate in the San Francisco Chronicle, Robbins notes that under the new guidelines, certain responses to grief could be labeled as pathological disorders, instead of being recognized as being normal human experiences.


The crash caused a large outpouring of grief among the Birmingham metropolitan community due to the family and the company's well-known philanthropic contributions.

Charles Thomas Wooldridge

In Reading Gaol Wooldridge told the prison chaplain that he was filled with grief and remorse at having killed his beloved wife, and resisted attempts at a reprieve (including a recommendation for clemency from the jury that convicted him) by petitioning the Home Secretary Sir Matthew White Ridley for the sentence to be allowed to be carried out.

Chronic care management

Patricia Fennell, working on the experiences of imposed change (such as illness, grief, or trauma), has developed the Fennell Four Phase Model of chronic illness.

Death Without Denial Grief Without Apology: A Guide for Facing Death and Loss

Death Without Denial Grief Without Apology: A Guide for Facing Death and Loss by former Oregon Governor Barbara K. Roberts is a personal narrative of the author's experiences during her husband, Frank's battle with cancer, the final year of his life, and the subsequent years of grieving.

Edson Luís de Lima Souto

To express their protest, movie theaters in Cinelândia announced the screening of three films: The Night of the Generals, Point Blank, and Coração de Luto (Heart of Grief).

Edward Quillinan

Distracted with grief, Quillinan fled to the continent, and afterwards lived alternately in London, Paris, Portugal, and Canterbury, until 1841, when he married Wordsworth's daughter, Dora Wordsworth.

Ezra Laderman

The Battle of the Bulge, crossing the Rhine at Remagen, liberating Leipzig, meeting the Russians at Torgau on the bank of the Elbe were the points in this constellation that was filled with tension and waiting, victory and grief.

Frank Nobilo

"I got a bit of grief because I preferred league over rugby then and I was a bit more of a rebel. I used to catch the train to and from school and it took about 30–40 minutes. My mum said it drove her crazy because I missed it often and my parents were living in Glen Eden and I would end up in Henderson and they'd have to come and collect me".

Hertzog Prize

The prize was first established in 1914 as part of the Tweede Taalbeweging ("Second Language Movement"); its first winner was Totius for his 1915 poetry collection Trekkerswee (Trekkers' Grief).

I, Q

The world down the shaft is actually five superposed worlds, each of which is a level of the Kübler-Ross model of the five stages of grief, populated by members of the multiverse with the appropriate reaction to the end of the universe.

If I Forget Thee, Jerusalem

The Wild Palms is quoted in Jean-Luc Godard's 1959 film, Breathless ("À bout de souffle"), when Patricia claims to prefer to take "grief rather than nothing"; the same quote is cited in the 1986 John Hughes comedy Ferris Bueller's Day Off, when Principal Rooney "consoles" Sloan while waiting in front of the school.

Jaidon Codrington

Despite his grief he decided to continue in the competition, reaching the final with a first round stoppage in 1 min and 7 seconds of Wayne Johnsen in his semi-final bout.

Jane Smiley

Her novella The Age of Grief was made into the 2002 film The Secret Lives of Dentists.

Jean Baptiste Douville

Mile Audrun, a lady to whom he was about to be married, committed suicide from grief at the disgrace; and the adventurer withdrew in 1833 to Brazil, and proceeded to make explorations in the Amazon Basin.

Jeong Jung-bu

His despotic reign caused the grief of many people, and finally in 1174, a chain of rebellion that lasted for 50 years began in Pyongyang by Jo Wi-chong.

Kelvin Thomson

It also commented: "Thomson's relegation to the backbench will be a setback for Labor. Ever since December, when Rudd promoted him to shadow attorney-general, he has dealt the Government more grief over David Hicks than Labor did collectively over the previous five years. Of the big changes to Labor's frontbench under Rudd, Thomson was the standout surprise performer." Thomson has not since been returned to the Labor cabinet.

Kübler-Ross model

In the episode "Spelling Bee My Baby" in American Dad, Hayley Smith experiences the five stages of grief, courtesy of Roger and Stan.

The five stages of grief are referred to in the film The Bucket List, which tells the story of two dying men.

Llan Ffestiniog

It was to turn her thoughts from the grief of her bereavement that she upon her husband's advice began to write her first novel, Mary Barton.

Mannheim sigh

Pianto — the motif of a descending minor second, represented laments and associated textually with weeping, sighing, or pain, grief, etc.

Max Cramer

This included the Zeewijk, wrecked in the Pelsaert Group of the Houtman Abrolhos in 1727, which he dived on earlier in 1963, and the Zuytdorp which came to grief when it struck the Zuytdorp Cliffs, 560 kilometres north of Perth, in 1712.

Mirko Vidović

Due to the practical concerns of religious service of his faith, Vidović soon came into conflict with the contemporary Youth Committee of the SKBiH: his public act of grief for the death of the Pope Pius XII brough him he conviction of ten days in prison.

Moira Linehan

Elisabeth Kübler-Ross could not have more accurately transferred the stages of grief into poetry.

Mother and Child Reunion

The song was inspired by Simon's grief over the death of his family's dog, while he has said that the title has its origin in a chicken-and-egg dish called "Mother and Child Reunion" that Simon saw on a Chinese restaurant's menu.

Multifaith Works

In 1999, Multifaith Works merged with Seattle Shanti, an organization that provided one-on-one peer support to people coping with grief and loss.

Nellie Stewart

In January 1916 she was deeply depressed by grief over the death of George Musgrove, until she was persuaded by Hugh Donald McIntosh to take up work again in a condensed version of Sweet Nell at the Tivoli Theatre.

Nelly Sachs

Sachs' fusion of grief with subtly romantic elements is in keeping with the imagery of the kabbalah, where the Shekhinah represents God's presence on earth and mourns for the separation of God from His people in their suffering.

Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day

Elvy Robichaud declared October 15 to be Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day across the province, saying that "Miscarriage and infant death are a source of grief, often silent, for mothers, fathers, siblings and grandparents."

Righteous indignation

The Forerunner Commentary on Psalms 137:2 argues that these psalms are about the "bitterness of exile into which God forced Judah", purportedly with the goal of turning grief into zeal, so that the "anger can be used to scour away sin" by becoming "righteously indignant".


The Corps is destroyed again when Hal Jordan, crazed with grief at the loss of friends, became the entity known as Parallax.

Salim Ghazal

In April 2011 Bishop Gazal succumbed to illness, following the outpouring of grief and admiration for his life's work from all spheres of the Lebanese spectrum, the President of the Republic bestowed upon Bishop Ghazal the rank of Commander of The National Order of the Cedar.

The Quarterback

Carole Hudson-Hummel (Romy Rosemont) soon breaks down in grief and the family comes together to comfort one another.

Tomiko Satō

Satō was sharing Guo's grief over the death of his friend, and once Guo returned to Okayama, they started regularly exchange letters.

WTC View

He encounters prospective roommates in varying stages of grief, including a campaign worker for mayoral candidate Mark J. Green, a boisterous construction worker, an idealistic NYU student, and a trader on Wall Street, each of whom share his own perspective on the events.

Yuddham Sei

J.K. helps send Nishanth aboard, after giving him a book Man's Search for Meaning by holocaust survivor and philosopher Viktor Frankl, and advice to help him deal with his grief.

see also