
4 unusual facts about hadith

Bahá'í literature

There is no Bahá'í corollary to Islamic Hadith; in fact, Bahá'ís do not consider Hadith authoritative.

Gospel in Islam

The word Injil is used in the Quran, the Hadith and early Muslim documents to refer specifically to the revelations made by God to Jesus.


The album features a recitation of a verse from the Qur’an (Ar-Rahman) and duas (supplications) from the Qur’an and Sunnah (teachings and practices of Islamic prophet Muhammad) as well as non-instrumental Islamic nasheeds about Allah and Muhammad based on the Qur'an and Hadith.

World Muslimah

Combining the righteous concept in Al Quran and Hadiths, WMF judges contestants on value-based personality development, which consists of seven ideal characters, five commitments and six lifestyles of "Sholeha, Smart and Stylish".


After the fall of the Ottoman Empire Kawthari moved to Cairo, then Sham, then returned to Cairo where he edited and brought back into circulation countless classical books of fiqh, hadith, and usul.

Aniconism in Islam

The most absolute proscription is of images of God in Islam, followed by depictions of Muhammad, and then Islamic prophets and the relatives of Muhammad, but the depiction of all humans and animals is discouraged in the hadith and by the long tradition of Islamic authorities, especially Sunni ones.


Aphoristic collections, sometimes known as wisdom literature, have a prominent place in the canons of several ancient societies, such as the Sutra literature of India, the Biblical Ecclesiastes, Islamic Hadith, The Golden Verses of Pythagoras, Hesiod's Works and Days, the Delphic maxims, and Epictetus' Handbook.

Disciples of Jesus in Islam

The remaining part of the hadith is like that as narrated by Salih but the arrival of Ibn Mas'ud and the meeting of Ibn 'Umar with him is not mentioned.

Hadith of Najd

While all Sunni Muslims accept the group of hadith as authentic, the exact location of the area referred to as "Najd" is disputed.

Hadith of the Twelve Successors

The hadith was on record during the middle of the second century, in the book titled "Amali" of the Egyptian scholar Al-Layth ibn Sa'd and later in the Musnad of Abu Dawud at-Tayalisi.

Islam in Kerala

The majority of Muslims of Kerala belong to the Shafi`i school under Sunni sect of Islam, the conservative mainstream in which the Hadith is held in almost equal regard to the Quran itself.

Islamic ethics

Many muslim theologians see the Golden Rule implicit in some verses of the Qur'an and in the Hadith.

Jerry Vines

This reference was to Aisha, who is said to have been about nine when her marriage to Muhammad was consummated, according to several hadith, or stories of Muhammad.

Kutub al-Sittah

Sunni Muslims view the six major hadith collections as their most important.

Masabih al-Sunnah

Masabih al-Sunnah is a collection of hadith by the Persian Shafi'i scholar Abu Muhammad al-Husayn ibn Mas'ud ibn Mubammad al-Farra' al-Baghawi, from sometime before 516 H. An improved version of this work, Mishkat al-Masabih, has additional hadith, and was the work of another Persian traditionist Al-Tabrizi d.

Mazahir Uloom Saharanpur

In this period, the famous Shaikhul Hadith Maulana Muhammad Zakariya Kandhlawi (1898–1982) taught there as Shaikh al-Hadith.

Mohamad Said Raslan

He received a Bachelor's degree in Medicine and a Bachelor's Degree in Surgery from Al-Azhar University, a Bachelor in Arabic Language, Department of Islamic Studies Division, And a master's degree in - Hadith Grading as excellent with highest honors in the search in

Muhammad Mustafa Al-A'zami

Muhammad Mustafa Al-A'zami (Arabic: محمد مصطفى الأعظمي) is a contemporary hadith scholar best known for his critical investigation of the theories of Ignác Goldziher, David Margoliouth, and Joseph Schacht.

Muhib ud-Din

Muhibb al-Din Abu Abdallah Mohammed ibn Umar ibn Rushayd al-Fihri al-Sabti, or briefly Mohammed ibn Rushayd (1259–1321), Moroccan judge, writer and scholar of Hadith


The concept is based on the following Prophetic tradition (hadith): Abu Hurairah narrated that the Islamic prophet Muhammad said;

Muqbil bin Hadi al-Wadi'i

After his death, reports continued to surface of changes in curriculum and power struggles at the Dar al-Hadith, though these rumors were dispelled a few years later by contemporary Muslim scholar Rabee Al-Madkhali.

Pir Nazeer Ahmed

Because former schooling was not available in the area, various scholars were invited to Mohra Sharif to teach him Persian, Urdu, Islamic Studies, Arabic, Sarf, Nahv, Hadith, Fiqh and other traditional subjects.

Salman Husaini Nadwi

A year later, he was admitted into the College of Usul al-Din at the Imam Muhammad ibn Saud Islamic University and continued to pursue higher education in the field of Hadith.


For Muslims, the Chain of Authenticity is an important way to ascertain the validity of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad (also known as a Hadith).

Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta

Composition courses at that time consisted of Arabic language, Introduction to Religious Studies, Fiqh, Usul Fiqh, Tafsir, Hadith, Kalam Science, Philosophy, Mantiq, Akhlaq, Mysticism, Comparative Religion, Da'wah, Islamic era, History of Islamic Culture, Education Science and Culture, Life Science, Introduction to Law, Principles of Public and Private Law, Ethnology, Sociology, and Economics.

The Boy and the King

This story is taken from an authentic narration or a hadith of Islamic prophet Muhammad that explains the reference to "the people of the Ditch" in Surat Al-Burooj from the Qur’an (85:4).

Women in Arab societies

The Hadiths in Bukhari suggest that Islam improved women's status, by the second Caliph Umar saying "We never used to give significance to ladies in the days of the Pre-lslamic period of ignorance, but when Islam came and Allah mentioned their rights, we used to give them their rights but did not allow them to interfere in our affairs", Book 77, Hadith 60, 5843, and Vol.

Yanabi al-Muwadda

Yanabi al-Muwadda is a Hadith collection purportedly authored by Sulayman al-Qunduzi in Baghdad in 1395 hijri.


In this regard, Ibn Shu’ba al-Harrani also narrates a hadīth from the tenth Imām of the Twelver Shī‘as

Zujajat al-Masabih

Zujajat al-Masabih is a five volume compendium of Hadith literature, authored by Abdullah Shah Naqshbandi, an Islamic scholar from Hyderabad India.

see also