
unusual facts about haggadic


Mekhilta de-Rabbi Shimon

The Judean sources, the Yerushalmi and the haggadic midrashim, introduce baraitot from this Mekilta with the phrase, "Teni R. Shim'on" = "R. Simeon has taught" (comp. Friedmann, introduction to his edition of the Mekilta, pp. 55 et seq.; Hoffmann, l.c. p. 48).

Midrash Hashkem

In the editions as well as in the codex this first passage, as well as the beginning of the following haggadic passage to Ex. ix.

It begins with a haggadic passage, which, belonging to Ex. viii.

Midrash Taame Haserot ve-Yeterot

The haggadic interpretations are derived for the most part from scattered passages in the Talmud and in the Midrashim, while the arrangement is capricious, the individual words being arranged neither according to the order of the alphabet nor according to the sequence of the books of the Bible.

see also