
unusual facts about halachic


Bezalel Rudinsky

The two written works of Rabbi Rudinsky are Mishkan Bezalel (Five volumes on the Chumash) and Hiluchai Hadaf (Collection of peshat and halachic aspects of the Talmud).


Bruriah was very involved in the halachic discussions of her time, and even challenges her father on a matter of ritual purity (Tosefta Keilim Bava Kamma 4:9).

House of Shammai

The House of Shammai was the most eminent contemporary and the halachic opponent of the House of Hillel, and is almost invariably mentioned along with him.

Igrot Kodesh

Its purview encompassing philosophy (be it Talmudic, Halachic, Hasidic, mystical or other), scientific matters, global events, counsel in private issues, schooling, and social/communal proceedings.

International Date Line

The halachic ruling of Rabbi Moshe Heinemann, Rabbinic Administrator of the Star-K, is as follows: In New Zealand and Japan, the local Saturday is according to majority opinion Shabbat, and it should therefore be fully observed as Shabbat, with Shabbat prayers, etc.

Isaac ben Moses of Vienna

He attained his fame in Vienna and his major work, the halachic guide known as the Or Zarua, was very popular among Ashkenazic Jewry.

Israeli pruta

This pruta should not be confused with the halachic pruta, which is the minimal value of money for a variety of halachic applications.

Metropolitan Jewish Hospice

Because Orthodox Jewish patients look to Jewish law (Halakha) and tradition for guidance and answers regarding hospice care, Metropolitan Jewish Hospice created the Halachic Pathway that enables Orthodox Jewish patients to sign a Halachic Living Will if they so choose.


The Chazon Ish, a noted Hareidi halachic authority who issued key rulings on Jewish agricultural law (mitzvos tlu'os ba'aretz)in the 1930s and 1940s, ruled like the Mabit, holding that produce grown on land in Israel owned by non-Jews has sanctity.

see also