
unusual facts about mystical

Alexander Barchenko

In 1925, he met and corresponded with Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, who assisted him in his research and studies of religious and mystical matters.

Alphonsus de Guimaraens

The poetry of Alphonsus de Guimaraes is substantially mystical and involved with Catholicism.

Armand Nassery

Where Wolves Dream ( a novel) In the mystical setting of the fictional town of Balluria, Iraq, Salam and his best friend Hamid spend their days together with their peers of young boys and girls listening to mesmerizing stories, legends and myths told by a childless and mysterious gypsy, Barrya.

Baba Keenaram

Before he took Samadhi (where his body is buried in a tomb, along with Goddess Hinglaj in Yantra (A Mystical geometrical shape to represent the presence of goddess)'s form, at Baba Keenaram Sthal, he conveyed to his disciples that he will Re-incarnate as 11th Peethadheswar of Krim- Kund (Kinarm Sthal).

Bridal theology

Within the Judeo-Christian tradition, bridal theology, also referred to as mystical marriage, is the New Testament portrayal of communion with Jesus as a marriage, and God's reign as a wedding banquet.

Chapman Cohen

Cohen criticised what he saw as mystical tendencies in the writings of some physicists, such as Arthur Eddington.


William Chittick, leading translator and interpreter of classical Islamic philosophical and mystical texts

Cross and circle game

Cross and circle boards may suggest a variety of mystical, symbolic, or esoteric designs such as mandalas; sun and earth symbols; swastikas; or Celtic, Coptic, and Greek crosses.

Dallas Angguish

Angguish's poetry is in the tradition of queer poetics initiated by Walt Whitman and consolidated by Allen Ginsberg, a tradition that foregrounds the colloquial voice, a first person, personal point of view and the expression of an erotic and mystical vision.

Daniel Zion

After emigrating to Israel Rabbi Zion was accused of having an interest in Dunovism, a Bulgarian mystical Christian teaching which combined Orthodox Christianity with local Bulgarian religious practices led Peter Deunov, and calling for a retrial of Jesus.

David Bakan

In his book "Sigmund Freud and the Jewish Mystical Tradition" (1958) he attempted to trace the roots of early psychoanalytic concepts and methods in the Kabbalah, the Zohar, and talmudic interpretations.

Federiko Benković

The dramatic, often tortured, poses and lighting of his figures are placed within earthy tenebrist backgrounds, He uses Piazzetta's and Sebastiano Ricci's unfinished and ragged brushstrokes, but superimposes a startling mystical imprint that is often foreign to the magisterial and olympian Venetian painting, and more akin to the Baroque painters from Northern Italy, Alessandro Magnasco and Francesco Cairo.

Fringe World

A unique architectural jewel, the mystical venue has hosted legends such as Marlene Dietrich, Charlie Chaplin and Gypsy Rose Lee.

Gabrielle Bossis

Gabrielle Bossis (1874–1950) was a French Catholic laywoman, actress and mystic, best known for her mystical journal published as "He and I".

Ghosts of Albion

His words are soon confirmed when they are soon introduced to the ghosts of the poet Lord Byron (Joseph McFadden), Admiral Nelson (Anthony Daniels), and Queen Bodicea (Emma Samms), also mystical protectors of Albion.

Great Evil Beast

It ended encountering a number of mystical heroes (Etrigan, Doctor Fate, the Spectre), who unwittingly angered the being and directed it against Heaven, leaving only the defeated heroes behind.

Gustav Landauer

An "secluded" person that can free himself from time, experiences eternity by "mystical show" (spiritual perception) (Plotinus).

HappySad Records

Its major release, Twice Upon a Rhyme, was rediscovered and described thirty years later, in July 2002, in Japan's Record Collectors Magazine as "human mystical pop music".


Chassidei Ashkenaz, ascetic German mystical-ethical pietists of the 12th and 13th centuries

Herkimer diamond

Many of the New York crystals are known for their extreme clarity, and Wiccan and New Age belief systems often ascribe specific occult properties and a wide variety of mystical powers to them.

Ian Karkull

In the Superman: The Animated Series episode The Hand of Fate, it features a shadowy being called only Karkull (voiced by Ted Levine) as a powerful Cthulhu-like being accidentally freed when a petty thief robs a mystical artifact from a museum.

Igrot Kodesh

Its purview encompassing philosophy (be it Talmudic, Halachic, Hasidic, mystical or other), scientific matters, global events, counsel in private issues, schooling, and social/communal proceedings.

Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb

Kai also creates a shield to protect himself and summons a dragon to battle Jones, but Jones uses the Pa Cheng charged with mystical energy to penetrate Kai's shield and destroys the Heart.

Jan Tyranowski

At these gatherings he introduced his new band of disciples to a brand of religion that was deeply mystical, and he encouraged them to apply it to every area of their lives.

Jewish meditation

Jacobs, Louis, Jewish Mystical Testimonies, Schocken, 1997, ISBN 0-8052-1091-1

Joshua Höschel ben Joseph

Like many of his learned contemporaries, Joshua had a taste also for the Kabbalah, but he did not allow mystical teachings to influence his halakic decisions.

Juan de Plasencia

A mystical work which he entitled "La Santina", was an Opus number on prayer and contemplation entirely done in the Tagalog language so the natives who did not know Spanish could also engage in the spiritual exercises of their teachers.

King Roger

Szymanowski's lost novel Efebos dealt with mystical themes similar to those that inspired this work.

Leo Kelly

While notionally an atheist in line with the teachings of Marx and Engels, Leo Kelly was in fact of a spiritual bent and was intrigued by mystical traditions in Buddhism, and Sufism in the Islamic world.

Lon Milo DuQuette

DuQuette has written several successful books on Western mystical traditions including: Freemasonry, Tarot, Qabalah, ceremonial magic, the Enochian magic of Dr. John Dee, and spirit evocation, Goetia.

Long Day's Journey

The electro-kinetic cat burglar-for-hire, Gwen Raiden, returns and reluctantly helps Angel and the group after they discover that the Beast is searching for five mystical Totems in order to block out sunlight from Los Angeles so that all demons and vampires can roam freely.

Makafushigi Adventure!

"Mystical Adventure!" was sung by Jimi Tunnell, though the lyrics were not a literal translation of the original Japanese.

Makati Shangri-La, Manila

The hotel's design and atmosphere is based on its namesake mystical valley featured in James Hilton’s 1933 novel, Lost Horizon.

Masks of the Illuminati

The novel features numerous real-life historical figures in its narrative, including a first person description of reality by scientist Albert Einstein and Irish author James Joyce, while the plot involves English author and occultist Aleister Crowley, British nobles, the Loch Ness Monster and mystical experiences.


The High Middle Ages saw a flourishing of mystical practice and theorization corresponding to the flourishing of new monastic orders, with such figures as Guigo II, Hildegard of Bingen, Bernard of Clairvaux, the Victorines, all coming from different orders, as well as the first real flowering of popular piety among the laypeople.

Perennial philosophy

Writers such as WT Stace, Huston Smith, and Robert Forman argue that there are core similarities to mystical experience across religions, cultures and eras.

Pranic healing

In 1995, Jack Ruso described the method in the magazine Skeptical Inquirer as "mystical or supernaturalistic".

Psycho Soldier

In the Athena arcade, the title character of it was a mystical, almost divine figure loosely based on the goddess of Greek myth who fought her way through several otherworldly lands in order to destroy various monsters and evil beings who threatened the peace of the land.

Ralph Lewis

Ralph Maxwell Lewis, Imperator of Rosicrucian organisation Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis (AMORC) from 1939 to 1987

Robert Darr

A U.S. citizen and resident of the San Francisco Bay Area, Darr is a translator and interpreter of classic Islamic mystical texts.

Sefer HaTemunah

According to Lawrence Kushner, author of The Book of Letters: A Mystical Alef-Bait, Sefer HaTemunah teaches that "every defect in our present universe is mysteriously connected with this unimaginable consonant", and that as soon as the missing letter is given to us, our Universe will be filled with undreamed of new words, the words that will turn repression into loving.

Showbusiness Giants

Other contributors to the band have included Scott Henderson, John Wright, Andy Kerr, Carolyn Mark, Ken Kempster, Keith Rose, Ford Pier and Jello Biafra, who appeared in spirit form only during a seance conducted by the mystical Holliston.

Stalking Pete Doherty

Carlish was educated at King David Primary School and then King Edward's School, Birmingham where he was a keen amateur dramatist - writing and performing a 'hip-hop opera' in which Carlish 'rapped' about a mystical 'Rock of Crack' (Cocaine) and where at least one contemporary remembers him as energetically outspoken even at a tender age.

The Teachings of the Mystics

The Teachings of the Mystics is a 1960 work of popular philosophy by the Princeton philosopher Walter T. Stace that lays out his philosophy of mysticism and compiles writings on mystical experience from across religious traditions.


The nearby Capilla del Monte and the base of Uritorco attract many New Age supporters and tourists interested in the alleged mystical/energetic qualities of the mountain and other paranormal phenomena, and a local artisan industry has developed around this topic.


Nikolai Maksimovich Vilenkin better known as Nikolai Minsky, a mystical writer and poet of the Silver Age of Russian Poetry.

Willard Van Orman Quine

:"How can we talk about Pegasus? To what does the word 'Pegasus' refer? If our answer is, 'Something,' then we seem to believe in mystical entities; if our answer is, 'nothing', then we seem to talk about nothing and what sense can be made of this? Certainly when we said that Pegasus was a mythological winged horse we make sense, and moreover we speak the truth! If we speak the truth, this must be truth about something. So we cannot be speaking of nothing."

Yissachar Shlomo Teichtal

However, in the latter parts of his book, he granted theological and mystical value to indexes measuring inner unity in the Jewish nation, thus protesting actively against the creators of the Orthodox-Neolog schism in Hungarian Jewry.

Yuliana Glinka

With her father and sisters she traveled with Dom Pedro to Minas Gerais, visiting Ouro Preto and Diamantina, both very old cities with mystical associations.

see also