
9 unusual facts about holy land

Chess Crusade

This is a series of war fought primarily in the Holy Land usually between the Roman Catholics of Western Europe and the Muslims of the Middle East.

Church of the Visitation

The church is currently held in trust by the Franciscan Custody of the Holy Land.

George William Allan

He toured Europe, the Nile River, Syria, the Holy Land, Turkey and Greece giving him a lifelong appreciation of travel and winning him election to the Royal Geographic Society.

Knights of the Temple: Infernal Crusade

The player character Paul is a Templar knight on his first Crusade, to stop the end of the world by fighting his way through the sombre gloom of European monasteries and villages to the colourful bazaars and powerful bastions of the crusader castles under the blazing sun of the Holy Land and by entering the realms of hell and face his worst nightmares.

Louis III, Elector Palatine

Louis III returned very sick from a pilgrimage in 1427 into the Holy Land which he had organized after the death of his son Ruprecht.


As a middle-aged man, he went on pilgrimage to the Holy Land and Rome, where he collected relics, returning to found a Benedictine abbey at Wörth, later named Grafrath after him.

Sophie of Thuringia, Duchess of Brabant

When Sophie was three years old, her father embarked for the Sixth Crusade, and died unexpectedly of a fever on his way to the Holy Land.

Tierra Santa

Tierra Santa is the Spanish term for Holy Land.

Ye Olde Trip To Jerusalem

According to local legend it takes its name from the 12th Century Crusades to the Holy Land: legend has it that knights who answered the calls of Richard I to join the crusades stopped off at this watering hole for a pint on their way to Jerusalem.

Anglican-German Bishopric in Jerusalem

As a result of more than one missionary effort in the Holy Land in the earlier years of the century, and of the expedition sent thither in 1840 by the so-called Quadruple Alliance, Frederick William IV of Prussia thought the occasion favorable for establishing a firm position for Evangelical Christians in that country.

Antiochus of Palestine

In 619, five years after the conquest of the Holy Land by Chosroes, Ancyra was taken and destroyed by the Persians, which compelled the monks of the neighbouring monastery of Attaline to leave their home, and to move from place to place.


Here also was born Reynald of Châtillon, called "Le Loup" (the Wolf) by Muslims, who went to the Holy Land on the Second Crusade and remained there for the rest of his life.

Coloman of Stockerau

Originally known as Colmán (variously rendered Koloman, Kálmán, Colman, and Colomannus), he was an Irish pilgrim en route to the Holy Land "was mistaken for a spy because of his strange appearance, tortured, and hanged at Stockerau, near Vienna, Austria, on 16 July 1012. Later tradition has it that he was a son of Máel-Sechnaill (d. 1022), high king of Ireland." (Breen, 2009)

Cross In Hand

The name is believed to be based on the legend that the Crusaders assembled here before sailing for the Holy Land from Rye to fight Saladin.

Daniel Seaman

Seaman received the Israel Outstanding Civil Service Award in 2000 for coordinating the international press coverage of Pope John Paul II's visit to the Holy Land in March 2000.

Elinard de Bures

Elinard de Bures was a member of the family which traditionally held title over Bures-sur-Yvette in France, however this particular branch of that noble family had come to the holy land as in service to the King of Jerusalem.

Ermengarde, Countess of Maine

After her death, Fulk the Younger left his lands to their son Geoffrey, and set out for the Holy Land, where he married Melisende, Queen of Jerusalem and became King of Jerusalem.

Gervais, Count of Rethel

Because his younger brother Baldwin was in the Holy Land, where he served as King of Jerusalem, he was succeeded as ruler of Rethel by his sister Matilda and her husband Odo of Vitry.

Global Anglican Future Conference

However, he proposed as an alternative, "for the sake of making progress in this discussion" that the GAFCON conference should take place in Cyprus, to be followed by a "pure pilgrimage" to the Holy Land.

Guy of Lusignan

Having arrived in the Holy Land (where his brother Amalric was already prominent) at an unknown date, Guy was hastily married to Sibylla in 1180 to prevent a political incident within the kingdom.

Henri-Gustave Joly de Lotbinière

His father, Gaspard-Pierre-Gustave Joly de Lotbinière, was a pioneer of early photography (the first man to photograph the Acropolis, in 1839) who made a series of daguerreotypes while on a Grand Tour through Greece, Egypt and the Holy Land.

Isaac La Peyrère

La Peyrère also argued that Messiah would join with the king of France (that is, the Prince of Condé, not Louis XIV of France) to liberate the Holy Land, rebuild the Temple and set up a world government of the Messiah with the king of France acting as regent.

Nazaré, Portugal

According to the Legend of Nazaré, the town derives its name from a small wooden statue of the Virgin Mary, a Black Madonna, brought by a monk in the 4th century from Nazareth, Holy Land, to a monastery near the city of Mérida, Spain, and was brought to its current place in 711 by another monk, Romano, accompanied by Roderic, the last Visigoth king.

Order of Hospitaller Canons Regular of St Stephen

The order was organized around a hospital that the king had earlier established in Esztergom (at that time an important station on the inland pilgrim route to the Holy Land) in honor of King St Stephen I of Hungary.

Siege of Lisbon

In May 1147, the first contingents of crusaders left from Dartmouth in England for the Holy Land.

Uganda Scheme

The African land was described as an "ante-chamber to the Holy Land" and a Nachtasyl (temporary night shelter), but other groups felt that accepting the offer would make it more difficult to establish a Jewish state in Ottoman Palestine, and also that the Jewish nation would not be able to claim itself as native to that land, since there were no historic or culture links between the Hebrews and East Africa.

Władysław the White

Afterwards he left on a long voyage or pilgrimage; he visited Malbork, Prague, Holy Land and Jerusalem, and finally went to France, where he met Pope Urban V in Avignon and finally in 1366 entered a Cistercian monastery in Cîteaux (the Cîteaux Abbey); however after a year he moved to the Order of Saint Benedict monastery in Dijon.

see also

Adam de ireys

"...He accompanied Godfrey of Bouillon (aka Godefroi de Bouillon) to the Holy Land on the First Crusade, and had an active part in the taking of Jerusalem in 1099.


Missionaries of the Franciscan Fathers (the Holy Land Rangers) (From Latin Catholic) came to the village in 1878 and built a church, Monastery, clinic and the first Arabic school in northwestern Syria, they re-built the church in 1885 and the current church dates to 1932.

Antonio Barluzzi

During this time he planned a great temple at the Holy Sepulchre and what he thought was his final work in the holy land, a Shrine to the Incarnation in Nazareth.


In 1873 these religious also began a series of large-scale pilgrimages both within France and to the Holy Land which developed into such current endeavors as the popular national pilgrimage to Lourdes every year on the occasion of the feast of the Assumption, gathering thousands of pilgrims.

Avraham Yehoshua Heshel

According to one hasidic legend, angels subsequently carried his body and buried him in the Holy Land, and in the Jewish Cemetery in Tiberias there is a stone marking his supposed grave.


Jerome Murphy-O'Connor, Oxford Archaeological Guides: The Holy Land (Oxford, 1998), 217–220.


Clarel: A Poem and Pilgrimage in the Holy Land (1876) is an epic poem by American writer Herman Melville, published in two volumes.

Dormition Abbey

During his visit to Jerusalem in 1898 for the dedication of the Protestant Church of the Redeemer, Kaiser Wilhelm II bought this piece of land on Mount Zion for 120,000 German Goldmark from Sultan Abdul Hamid II and presented it to the "German Union of the Holy Land" ("Deutscher Verein vom Heiligen Lande").

First Council of Lyon

At the opening, June 28, after the singing of the Veni Creator, Spiritu, Innocent IV preached on the subject of the five wounds of the Church and compared them to his own five sorrows: (1) the poor behaviour of both clergy and laity; (2) the insolence of the Saracens who occupied the Holy Land; (3) the Great East-West Schism; (4) the cruelties of the Tatars in Hungary; and (5) the persecution of the Church by the Emperor Frederick.

Flaminio Vacca

Vacca had been one of the founding members of the Confraternità dei Virtuosi that was formed at the Pantheon by Desiderio da Segni, a canon of the church of Santa Maria ad Martyres that occupied and preserved the Pantheon, to ensure that worship was maintained in the Chapel of St Joseph in the Holy Land, Others among the first members were Antonio da Sangallo the younger, Jacopo Meneghino, Giovanni Mangone, Taddeo Zuccari and Domenico Beccafumi.

Giacomo Bini

As head of the Franciscan Order, which is the official Catholic 'custos of the Holy Land', he was present at Mount Nebo to greet Pope John Paul II at his starting point for his pilgrimage to Israel, Jordan and the Palestinian Authority.

Historia Hierosolymitana

Jacques de Vitry's Historia Hierosolymitana, a history of the Holy Land from the advent of Islam until the crusades of his own day, written in 1219

History of Roman Catholicism in France

According to long-standing tradition, Mary, Martha, Lazarus and some companions, who were expelled by persecutions from the Holy Land, traversed the Mediterranean in a frail boat with neither rudder nor mast and landed at Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer near Arles.


One text, the Carnarvon Tablet I, relates the misgivings of the Theban ruler’s council of advisors when Kamose proposed moving against the Hyksos, whom he claimed were a humiliating stain upon the holy land of Egypt.

India–Taiwan relations

Tianzhu (天竺), situated in Buddhist cosmology at the "Western Heaven", has traditionally been regarded by Buddhists as an idealized holy land where their faith originated from, and subsequently served as a pilgrimage site for many who sought to receive Buddhist scriptures, as romanticized in the classical Chinese tale of Journey to the West.

InfoCom Corporation

Ghassan Elashi, in particular, was the chairman of the Holy Land Foundation.

Jerome Murphy-O'Connor

Oxford University Press invited him to write an archaeological guide to the Holy Land which was published in 1980.

Kafr Bir'im

Benvenisti, Meron (2002): Sacred Landscape: Buried History of the Holy Land Since 1948.


According to Venguda Del Antichrist, a Messiah would soon come who would lead a new Crusade to the Holy Land, annihilate the Muslims, and do battle with the Antichrist as predicted in the Book of Revelation.

Marco Zappia

He was nominated for 18 Emmy Awards, winning twice, first for Hee Haw in 1971, and then for the 1980 special Christmas in the Holy Land.

Marino Sanuto the Elder

It was begun in March 1306, and finished (in its earliest form) in January 1307, when it was offered to Pope Clement V as a manual for true Crusaders who desired the reconquest of the Holy Land.

Mohamamad Fatmi Che Salleh

Mohammed Fatmi was one of the entourage for the Sultan of Kelantan during the Sultan's visit to the Holy Land Mecca.


Aruvippuram, the holy land of Sree Narayana Guru is an important pilgrim centre near Neyyattinkara.

Nur-eldeen Masalha

He is Historian and Professor of Religion and Politics and Director of the Centre for Religion and History and the Holy Land Research Project at St. Mary's University College, University of Surrey.

Richard Guildford

Next day he embarked at Rye along with John Whitby, prior of Gisburn in Yorkshire, on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land.


The French tradition of Saint Lazare of Bethany is that Mary Magdalene, her brother Lazarus, and Maximinus, one of the Seventy Disciples and some companions, expelled by persecutions from the Holy Land, traversed the Mediterranean in a frail boat with neither rudder nor mast and landed at the place called Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer near Arles.

The First Templar

Acre, in Palestine, the last Christian city in the Holy Land is under siege and about to fall into Mamluk hands.

The Tour

The Grand Tour, a tour of Europe and the Holy Land conducted by British gentleman in the 18th and 19th century

Vergilius of Salzburg

Around 745 he left Ireland, intending to visit the Holy land, but, like many of his countrymen, who seemed to have adopted this practice as a work of piety, he settled down in France, where he was received with great favour by Pippin the Younger then Mayor of the Palace under Childeric III of Franconia.


In 1189, the Frankish and English factions of the Third Crusade met at Vézelay before officially departing for the Holy Land.

William Cowper Prime

He published Boat Life in Egypt and Nubia and Tent Life in the Holy Land based on his experiences there, which include his accounts of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, the Dead Sea, and the port of Jaffa, among others.