
unusual facts about ice sheet

River Waveney

The ice sheet closed the natural drainage from the Vale of Pickering, the Humber and The Wash so that a lake of a complex shape formed in the Vale of Pickering, the Yorkshire Ouse valley, the lower Trent valley and the Fenland basin.

Subglacial lake

Russian scientist Peter Kropotkin first proposed the idea of fresh water under Antarctic ice sheets at the end of the 19th century.

see also

Byrd Polar Research Center

Ice sheet flow into the ocean is increasing and in western Antarctica, the ice stream is draining into the Ross Ice Shelf with marked acceleration.

Charles R. Bentley

In 1957, he and a handful of other scientists including Mario Giovinetto set out on an expedition across West Antarctica in tracked vehicles to make the first measurements of the ice sheet.

Cordilleran Ice Sheet

At its eastern end the Cordilleran ice sheet merged with the Laurentide ice sheet at the Continental Divide, forming an area of ice that contained one and a half times as much water as the Antarctic ice sheet does today.


GLIMPSE Project, project to investigate thinning at the margin of the Greenland Ice Sheet

Last Glacial Maximum

Permafrost covered Europe south of the ice sheet down to present-day Szeged in Southern Hungary.

Pete Schoening

While attempting to traverse an ice sheet, climber George Irving Bell lost his footing, pulling Tony Streather loose.

Pliocene climate

West Antarctic Ice Sheet extent oscillated at the 40Kyr period of Earth's obliquity, ice sheet collapse occurred when global average temperature were 3 °C warmer than today and carbon dioxide concentration 400 ppmv and resulted in open waters in the Ross Sea.

Proglacial lakes of Minnesota

It extended from St. Cloud east-northeast to Grantsburg, Wisconsin, whence its outflow ran south along the east front of the ice sheet down the valley of the Saint Croix River.

Shutdown of thermohaline circulation

In May 2005, Peter Wadhams reported in The Times of London about the results of investigations in a submarine under the Arctic ice sheet measuring the giant chimneys of cold dense water, in which the cold dense water normally sinks down to the sea bed and is replaced by warm water, forming one of the engines of the North Atlantic Drift.

Tyrrell Sea

Roughly 8,000 years BP, the Laurentide Ice Sheet thinned and split into two lobes, one centered over Quebec-Labrador, the other over Keewatin.


The Whillans Ice Stream, a glaciological feature of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet.